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The Living Dead
The Living Dead

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Oxymoron (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Canon EF 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6 USM
Location: Old Manassa Cemetery; Manassa, CO
Date: Oct 16, 2006
Aperture: F22
ISO: 100
Shutter: Bulb
Galleries: Vintage, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Oct 16, 2006

This is my husband modeling for me again. I only had a couple of ideas for Oxymoron - decided to go with this one as the spooky, gothic theme would fit in with Halloween being in a couple of weeks. I like how this turned out - pretty much how I envisioned it but not quite.

At first I tried to capture my husband three times in one exposure but somehow that just didn't work very well, by the time I did the third part of the exposure the human image in the first part almost disappeared.

To do this, I set the camera on ISO 100 with an aperture of F22, so as not to let too much light in, and the shutter to Bulb. Also, I put a #4 Neutral Density Filter on the lens, to keep some light out. Then I had him pose by one tombstone and locked the focus on that, then I put a piece of black foam board over the lens and clicked the shutter all the way and held it for bulb. I lifted the card off the lens and counted to 3 and then put the card back over the lens, Jack posed by the second tombstone and I took the card off the lens and counted to 3 and put the card back and then released the shutter. The camera was on a tripod.

It was a bit windy so you can really see the blur in the grass from in blowing in the wind. I like the way it turned out quite spooky looking! This is the first time I've tried anything like this - it was fun.

I messed around with a lot of shots, they got better as it got a bit darker out and the best ones were right after the sun sank beneath the horizon.

I'm not sure how this will do score wise - hopefully, other people will like it, too.

Editing: Crop; adjustment layers for curves and contrast; flatten image; reduce Hue/Sat by -75, reduce the cyan channel a bit more; shadow/highlight tool - darken highlights +3, increase midtone saturation +9; noise removal with Helicon Noise Filter; adjust levels a bit; resize; smart sharpen; save for web.

Place: 6 out of 155
Avg (all users): 6.4007
Avg (commenters): 7.9286
Avg (participants): 6.1600
Avg (non-participants): 6.4858
Views since voting: 2661
Views during voting: 476
Votes: 287
Comments: 22
Favorites: 2 (view)

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11/06/2006 09:25:01 PM
nicely done. i would have preferred with just 1 'ghost'.
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11/06/2006 09:24:08 PM
This is great- I love the special effects.
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10/29/2006 09:05:00 PM
With this image I must place in my favs because this kind of work is super creative. Congratulations on your 6th place.
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10/25/2006 04:30:28 PM
Congrats on the 7th place. Excellent shot!
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10/25/2006 08:43:15 AM
Congrats on your top 7 image...from the guy below you in 8th place! grrrrr

well done
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/24/2006 09:18:51 PM
Great photo! Great idea! hahah I never would have thought of that in a million years, but its such an obvious choice for an oxymoron! :D Good use of long exposure. If the gravestones were in focus this picture would have been simply awesome.
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10/24/2006 01:00:37 PM
Well executed! (Sorry for the pun)
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10/24/2006 02:28:43 AM
I really like the colour, tone, composition and general feel of this image. Great image. Good luck
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10/23/2006 02:51:53 PM

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10/23/2006 08:14:01 AM
Hi Jack, you are living :) Hi Sammie too. Great and different shot for you. Van
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10/23/2006 12:47:17 AM
Wow, this is some great work! Excellent!
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10/22/2006 11:08:30 PM
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10/22/2006 09:35:43 PM
I'm very impressed. Very eerie photo... I guess it's a double exposure? It turned out very well!
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10/22/2006 09:35:36 PM
Nice idea, composition, pretty well executed. The watch is a little distracting, and I'm debating whether two different people would be better, but I like concept and think that you probably had fun doing it.
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10/19/2006 06:01:54 PM
amazing i love the lighting
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10/19/2006 10:21:19 AM
Hey. Almost didn't see the "second" guy on the right. :D Fun image. Wish it wasn't so blurry, but it's still cool. Good luck.
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10/19/2006 03:17:30 AM
Meets Challenge - 2
Lighting/Processing - 2
Composition - 2
Overall Impression - 2
"WOW" factor - 1
Score: 9
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10/18/2006 10:59:54 PM
Very well done.
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10/18/2006 09:18:45 PM
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10/18/2006 10:01:32 AM
nice -- how did you do this without multiple exposures??
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10/18/2006 08:44:55 AM
my favorite. good job.
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10/18/2006 12:38:08 AM
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