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A Year Ago......Tomatos
A Year Ago......Tomatos

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Urban Landscapes (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus E-10
Location: Trcy, Ca
Date: Oct 7, 2003
Aperture: f:9
ISO: 80
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Cityscape, Urban
Date Uploaded: Oct 7, 2003

Taken in the early morning of one of Tracy's newest examples of urban growth. Polarizer, tripod, and hope for the best.

Place: 113 out of 279
Avg (all users): 5.3909
Avg (commenters): 6.3846
Avg (participants): 5.2993
Avg (non-participants): 5.5094
Views since voting: 926
Votes: 243
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/13/2003 06:17:00 PM
Good repetition, I like the B/W.
10/13/2003 09:17:28 AM
cropping down the sky would have accentuated tthe wide expanse of houses you are showing here.
10/13/2003 12:17:35 AM
This all happened in a year? YIKES! The shot is well done, the darkness on the right side is a bit distracting but otherwise I love the overall shot
10/12/2003 06:03:28 PM
The angle of the row of houses is very good. It's so flat there - I think I can spot three water towers. Re: Your title - It's amazing how fast construction goes.
10/10/2003 05:48:32 PM
Some of this photo is too dark, maybe a little contrast help in photo editing would improve it. I don't understand about the tomatoes, but maybe I'm not looking hard enough. On second look, I think I have it, did this used to be a tomato field??
10/10/2003 03:57:40 AM
I think in this case your title makes the shot work. I wold have cropped off a little bit of the sky to avoid the centred horizon look.
10/10/2003 01:51:14 AM
Great title
10/09/2003 08:05:20 PM
How sad. And this happening all over the world - sprawl, sprawl, sprawl... Nice shot, well composed - good use of mono. Shade is a little indistinct. [7]
10/09/2003 05:35:05 PM
Ah, suburbia! We are all sheep! This is a good capture. The conformity of these people makes me sad, which is good b/c that means your shot got a point across to me. The only thing I wish is that just right of center the street and houses are dark. I'm guessing from the angle of the sun. (from the shadows) Good luck.
10/09/2003 01:04:14 PM
Wonderful perspective. The eye is led along the row of houses, all the way to the horizon, and then to the water tank in the distance, placed in a compositionally important point. Great work - 10.
10/08/2003 10:17:29 PM
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky, and they all look just the same.
10/08/2003 06:24:56 PM
Technology never sleeps, I sometimes wonder at the rate new houses are being built. Good depiction to the challenge.
10/08/2003 03:56:58 PM
Good idea, good shot! The house under construction at the front of the picture is a great added touch.

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