Author | Thread |
12/23/2006 09:27:15 AM |
i see this, and instantly think of the monkey/man "Mambo" on Saturday Night Live. TOOOOOOOOOOO funny :D
great job |
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12/12/2006 10:43:09 AM |
OMG Crack me up! Larus you rock. |
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12/11/2006 11:45:05 AM |
dude this pose is a bit ''gollum'' ;) such a fun shot- great job! |
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12/11/2006 07:18:58 AM |
Til hamingju með nýja borðann og að þú skulir vera búin að ná þvàsem þú ætlaðir þér á árinu. (Var að skoða myndirnar þÃÂnar og þess vegna kemur athugasemdin hér en ekki á vinningsmyndinga :).)
Vel af sér vikið og ég vona að þú náir enn betri árangri á nýju ári. Það er svo gaman að fylgjast með framförunum. Dpc er stundum skrÃÂtinn staður, en eitt er vÃÂst - hér er hægt að læra og ná framförum. |
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12/07/2006 01:36:47 PM |
Ha! Great job, Larus. Way to laugh at yourself. :) |
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11/16/2006 10:05:35 AM |
This is by far one of the funniest entries I've ever seen:) |
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11/14/2006 03:09:37 PM |
Still trying to exercise bladder control looking at this - ROFL!!! |
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11/12/2006 09:54:40 PM |
this is SO funny !
Message edited by author 2006-11-12 21:55:21. |
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11/12/2006 03:43:53 PM |
Larus, Larus, Larus, you wicked, gender-confused crazy man! This, and the outtake are hilarious (or "hiLarus" I should say). LOL Now if you had been jumping off some scenic cliff in that getup, you mighta nailed the blue. ...well maybe red - hard to beat Arti. :) |
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11/12/2006 02:47:00 PM |
I thought this was you!! Laughed my silly ass off every time I came back to it! My husband has the same sense of humor and I could see him doing this just to get a laugh!
I love this!!
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11/12/2006 12:43:23 PM |
A very good and funny presentation with competing outtakes. Good work! |
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11/12/2006 10:36:45 AM |
Oh Larus, dear. You really should have shaved first! ;) Nice finish, dude. |
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11/12/2006 10:26:20 AM |
Your da man.......? :)
Would be cool to have a crossdress challenge, boys dressed as girls, girls dressed like men. Tons of fun, I'll post it in challenge suggestions.
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11/12/2006 08:16:36 AM |
That makeup looks hot on you :P Really suprised I didn't see you back in top 10. |
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11/12/2006 06:30:26 AM |
you are in a class of your own mate..
Message edited by author 2006-11-14 20:49:12. |
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11/12/2006 03:03:49 AM |
Just monkeying around? :P |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/11/2006 10:48:45 PM |
I almost fell out of my chair the first time I saw this one. I love the expression that you captured. It gives life to capture. |
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11/11/2006 10:21:59 PM |
Very, very brave image LOL! |
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11/11/2006 08:02:33 PM |
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11/11/2006 06:58:21 AM |
Oh, you crack me up dude! What a great idea. I'm sure this was so much fun to shoot. Technically well done too. |
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11/10/2006 10:48:36 PM |
Larus? Is that you? I'm giving you an 8 because
a) you had the balls to do it
b) squatting on the chair makes no sense yet it works. way to use your right brain!
c) if you get a ribbon then you'll have to look at yourself in a dress all week! |
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11/10/2006 09:07:54 PM |
LOVE IT!!!! Excellent shot ~ amazingly creative!!! You're very brave!! |
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11/10/2006 03:13:42 PM |
Now here's somebody that has lots of self-confidence to do a photo like this. Thanks for the laugh, and hope this doesn't come back to haunt you later in life.
...and great photo by the way! |
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11/10/2006 05:46:33 AM |
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11/09/2006 10:43:16 PM |
We learn so much about people from these self portraits! :) Fabulous photo! Hilarious! Original! Great expression! Nice balance on the little chair! |
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11/09/2006 08:45:38 AM |
:) Real beauty... lovely expresion. |
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11/08/2006 10:59:38 PM |
Very interesting! Great lighting and color. I think the off centered composition would have worked better if you'd been on the right instead of the left. Then again? |
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11/08/2006 02:55:26 PM |
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11/07/2006 07:47:37 PM |
Great concept and idea. Wondeful portrait. |
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11/07/2006 04:33:48 PM |
Good god... :) Nicely done (but not the makeup). |
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11/07/2006 03:03:29 PM |
Lol. The pose is remiscent of SNL. Very well captured with great attention to the finer details such as the curl of the left toe and neighbors over the chair and then the facial expression with that gaze. Bump. |
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11/07/2006 01:59:45 PM |
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11/06/2006 08:54:19 PM |
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11/06/2006 05:39:38 PM |
You need to quit monkeying around and get down to business! 8! |
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11/06/2006 03:49:30 PM |
Seriously! Did you think you get away with this without waxing? hahaha very funny and great shot!
Wait a minute!!!!!!!!! Lárus?????????? Didn´t recognize you at first..this may be displayed on your frontpage then LOL |
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11/06/2006 03:27:58 PM |
...I should have knocked I guess. Fun shot! |
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11/06/2006 02:16:59 PM |
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11/06/2006 12:27:20 PM |
OMG Larus is that you dear?.... |
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11/06/2006 11:16:38 AM |
Funny - but it still scares me... original, interesting, good lighting... but it STILL scares me!!! |
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11/06/2006 05:58:42 AM |
Sexy are we?
Brilliant :o) |
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11/06/2006 12:20:04 AM |
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11/05/2006 05:45:33 PM |
Jaja! I love the lighting and your expression :D |
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11/05/2006 01:04:21 PM |
Outrageously good! LOVE it! 9 |
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11/05/2006 12:18:38 PM |
HAHHAHHAHA that's so darn funny!!! too creative! 10 |
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11/05/2006 11:18:12 AM |
yikes! well done though - lighting is good, maybe a tad too much on the hand |
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11/05/2006 10:55:13 AM |
Damn, you're back alright! ;-) Nice setup and a very fun portrait. |
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11/05/2006 09:56:22 AM |
so this is what u have been studying? |
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11/05/2006 09:12:37 AM |
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11/05/2006 08:35:58 AM |
very couragous ;-) good setup, composition, lighting, color - 8 |
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11/05/2006 08:28:18 AM |
ROFL!! You're hilarious....amazingly great and daring shot. good luck, dont think you need it, this BETTER ribbon! |
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11/05/2006 08:02:06 AM |
LOL! This is wonderful! Great setup. |
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11/05/2006 07:23:05 AM |
hahaha! this is hilarious :D |
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11/05/2006 06:48:29 AM |
LOL! Man you are hillarious! Great image and title and thanks for making me laugh...again! :-) 9 |
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11/05/2006 06:26:06 AM |
LOL, I think I recognize this bloke... A new side of you I suppose :o) |
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11/05/2006 06:07:16 AM |
So that's what you were up to during your sabbatical! The truth will out. |
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11/05/2006 06:06:05 AM |
Haha, I love this! Great one, Larus. 10 |
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11/05/2006 05:06:16 AM |
Hahaha, Þetta er eitt að þvàsem ég hefði ekki gert fyrir sjálfsmynd.
Mega - 10 |
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11/05/2006 04:26:14 AM |
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11/05/2006 03:40:00 AM |
LMAOOOOO, this is soooo wrong!!! LMAOOOO! |
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11/05/2006 02:17:54 AM |
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11/05/2006 01:45:49 AM |
Really good and great humor. Love the focus. You did an excellent job. |
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11/05/2006 01:36:37 AM |
Ohhh noooooo... The nightmares begin... ;-) |
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11/05/2006 01:19:08 AM |
OMG, is that you Lárus? This is the funniest :) |
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11/05/2006 12:45:32 AM |
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11/05/2006 12:11:37 AM |
Nice crisp shot, great choice for the background, good sense of humor too, 10 |
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