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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Reflections Without Mirrors III (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Location: Home
Date: Nov 5, 2006
Aperture: 18
ISO: 100
Shutter: 42s
Galleries: Still Life
Date Uploaded: Nov 7, 2006

Adjusted white balance in Raw image task
resize and usm

Place: 9 out of 365
Avg (all users): 6.8049
Avg (commenters): 8.3571
Avg (participants): 6.7531
Avg (non-participants): 6.8387
Views since voting: 2819
Views during voting: 341
Votes: 205
Comments: 20
Favorites: 3 (view)

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02/07/2007 12:34:14 AM
Underrated!!! Excellent photo.
11/18/2006 11:22:11 PM
Awesome shot
11/15/2006 03:41:08 PM
I just don't get how 3 people gave this a 2, this should have ribboned in my opinion, wonderful shot.
11/15/2006 11:17:51 AM
Congratulations on your top 10 finish. Beautiful shot!
11/15/2006 01:06:03 AM
A very outstanding study with razor sharp colors and what wonderful definition. Certainly an image with the "wow" factor. Congratulations on your top 10 fnish.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/14/2006 12:07:47 AM
Great shot, great reflections. Vote:7. Would have been higher without the one spot of sensor dust.
11/13/2006 11:42:55 AM
Wonderful, crisp and clear. Great colours. Hope this does well for you.
11/12/2006 06:53:03 PM
Very neat. Love the lighting.
11/11/2006 07:53:21 PM
I think that big blob in the upper left is sensor dust. In the new basic editing rules, you can now clone sensor dust out. Other than that, excellent!
11/11/2006 06:10:29 AM
darn sensor dust!

anyhow, this is awesome, striking, well lit and composed, great for the challenge...hope you do well wth this
11/10/2006 06:39:28 PM
simple, but love it.
11/10/2006 06:39:25 AM
Not my favorite kind of photo to look at, I wouldn't frame it and hang it on my wall, too bad for the dust spot...but...all in all...Wow...what a great photo. Strong work...10.
11/09/2006 04:02:26 PM
great picture, too bad about the spot in the top lef corner - 9.
11/09/2006 12:15:33 PM
the only problem is the black point on the top left. but I think that even with that point I can rate 10.
11/09/2006 12:03:39 PM
Lovely shades of colours! The transparency of the glass and the liquid has been used beautifully!
Wonder what's the cause of those blotches?!
11/09/2006 09:49:31 AM
Clean, crisp and an interesting reflection and subject, especially the spilled liquid. Minor issues for me are the tilted horizon, the seam in the surface on the top left edge, the dust spot on the sensor and those white squiggly lines in the standing glass kind of detracts from the perfect gradient. What are those squiggly lines anyway, something in the liquid or a reflection?
11/09/2006 01:17:56 AM
far out ........ this is tooooooooo good ........ gives me an awestruck feeling ..... amazing .....
11/08/2006 08:25:51 AM
nice shot..is it wrong to say that it looks "lickable"? I like it!
11/08/2006 06:27:36 AM
Very, very nice - too bad you seem to have some sensordust in your picture.
11/08/2006 01:50:51 AM
Lovely colors and composition. Very cool lighting effects. Congrats!

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