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Style Classique
Style Classique

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Headwear (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Location: good ol garage
Date: Nov 14, 2006
Aperture: 10
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Nov 14, 2006

I went to the Goodwill to look for a cowboy hat, and didn't find one that fit right, but I saw this beauty of a hat on sale for 4 bucks. So I took it to the counter and told the lady that sometimes you just need a good hat to make you feel pretty, you know? She looked at me awkwardly and gave me my change, LOL.
This is my sister and I used her in the green challenge. It looks so much like my mom its scary.
I used my sb-600 from top left and my homemade aluminum foil relector on the other side. used my commander function and shot for like 60 shots. Converted from raw, and to put in black and white using a hue/saturation, selective color, and another hue/saturation desaturated. Then I used a gradient map and a couple curves. Then used shadow/highlights and guassian blur faded to make softer. Resized, USM save for the web. Looked at it a bunch more and noticed the shadows highlight cause some fuzz around the brim of the hat so I went back and did a lighter shadow highlight and added a curve and somre more gaussian blur which I faded. Very slight NI and faded back to around 25%.
Trust me this shot looks so much better with some of the hat cropped away.

Place: 8 out of 244
Avg (all users): 6.6349
Avg (commenters): 7.7368
Avg (participants): 6.3483
Avg (non-participants): 6.8026
Views since voting: 1879
Views during voting: 350
Votes: 241
Comments: 36
Favorites: 7 (view)

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11/30/2009 03:48:22 PM
Very cinematic - great stuff!
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11/30/2006 01:56:54 PM
Originally posted by Jutilda:

Well I guess I'm an idiot. I see where this placed and then my dumb comment.

Well look at your comment and then look at second place!
11/30/2006 01:50:52 PM
Well I guess I'm an idiot. I see where this placed and then my dumb comment.
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11/30/2006 12:15:03 PM
I love the fact she looks like your mom - I think that's very cool. Please pass along to her that she's a very lovely woman.
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11/22/2006 08:05:19 PM
Saw the comment about Casablanca and my first thought too was Ingrid Bergmann. Congrats on top ten.
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11/22/2006 04:43:41 PM
Congratulations on your top 10 finish. Excellent shot!
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11/22/2006 04:00:55 PM
Joe, congratulations for making the top 10! I felt for sure this would ribbon for you though. Sometimes, I just don't get it...
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11/22/2006 03:58:37 PM
Hey Joe. Great job with this exceptional entry... was very pleased to see you place so well and as always, very expected!
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11/22/2006 02:28:32 PM
this has an amazing flat, vintage look. Too bad I didn't vote in this challenge!
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11/22/2006 08:35:33 AM
What a great shot. It looks like it belongs in Casa Blanca.

Four bucks definitely well spent.
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11/22/2006 04:25:39 AM
this is a great portait! excellent shadows on her face and hoe much I love this "old" style!:)
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11/22/2006 01:59:41 AM
Great shot Joe. Love the look from your sis from that one eye.
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11/22/2006 01:52:39 AM
just beautiful, joe! looks like it could have been taken in the 50's or early 60's. congrats on top 10! :)
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11/22/2006 01:21:26 AM
Great vintage rendition executed with good taste. Congratulations on your top 10 finish.
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11/22/2006 12:32:56 AM
Yo Joe! Great classic image! Congrats on the top ten!
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11/22/2006 12:22:51 AM
WTG, Joe! Congrats on your top ten!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/21/2006 11:29:19 PM
So retro and very classy. I like it alot, especially how the light plays on her face through the hat. Lovely.
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11/21/2006 11:36:24 AM
This is a solid 9.5 in my book but I'm very stingy with 10s. The only thing I can add as constructive critisism is the hat band is a little bright and the left side and the bright/shadow on her kneck is a little distracting. Also the tiny bit of bright light on her shoulder. I know that is nitpicking...

I love where you cropped; composition, lighting, texture and tone are all wonderful.
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11/21/2006 10:38:52 AM
I like the effect of the shadow on her face.
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11/21/2006 10:08:38 AM
The lighting and shadows on her face are good. I think what hurts it is her top. It doesn't "go" with the vintage mood. I think it would have been really cool to have her wearing nothing. The way the light and shadow would play on her shoulder, could have enhanced the overall effect.
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11/20/2006 11:00:12 PM
great glam shot
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11/20/2006 10:58:56 PM
nice classical feel here. very well done! good luck!
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11/20/2006 03:29:41 PM
The black and white tones are good. I can see a lot of details. 9
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11/20/2006 06:57:39 AM
yes lovely retro look!
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11/19/2006 09:25:43 PM
Like a blast from the past. Lovely b/w rendition.
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11/19/2006 06:10:44 PM
This just takes my breath away. I must have looked at it a million times... My absolute favourite of the challenge.
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11/17/2006 12:57:52 AM
Terrific. Something very '40s about this.
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11/17/2006 12:18:53 AM
has a vintage feel to it that is excellent!
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11/16/2006 10:31:02 AM
Nice! Have you considered darkening the picture overall, and a closer crop to frame the face?
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11/16/2006 03:57:16 AM
Really well crafted: this captures the era so well. I like the shadow effect across the face. Well done. 8.
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11/15/2006 11:36:06 PM
Nice "old" photo. It reminds me of photos of my Mom and her sisters from the 1940's - classy. Good luck in the challenge! 10
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11/15/2006 08:45:10 PM
Back to comment. Great hat and great idea. Love the shadows on her face. IMO it could be sharper and might be more "flirty" if the camera was located so the model had to look slightly upward (just with her eye). Very nice shot. Bumping you to up to 8.
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11/15/2006 07:51:21 PM
Very Betty Davis! Garbo! Love it!
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11/15/2006 03:29:55 PM
So funny! I immediately thought "classic" and then looked down at the title! Beautiful, I love the classic look.

As for posing I think if you had perhaps had her chin up a bit (or tilted, etc) and back straighter it would have enlongated her neck it would have made her look even more elegant.
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11/15/2006 01:30:57 AM
You have achieved nostalgia in this image. Well done and good luck!
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11/15/2006 12:30:36 AM
great classic look and feel!
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