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lost in Iceland
lost in Iceland

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: All Alone (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: reykjanes, Iceland
Date: Oct 19, 2003
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Oct 19, 2003


Place: 64 out of 319
Avg (all users): 5.6478
Avg (commenters): 7.7692
Avg (participants): 5.6905
Avg (non-participants): 5.5962
Views since voting: 1220
Votes: 230
Comments: 14
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/27/2003 07:42:44 PM
Pony! This is a beautiful contrast between the industry in the backround and the horse. I like the tones in this photo and how you've got the horse in the corner looking up the hill, the entire backround in great. If it had been posible, i would have removed the halter from the horse, for a more alone look, the halter suggests its out on pasture for the day. Is that a Norwegian fiord? really cute.
10/27/2003 06:57:29 PM
Exceptionally well framed and beautiful image.
10/27/2003 05:30:01 AM
Beautiful horse and beautiful landscape. Great 8
10/24/2003 11:18:45 PM
Beautiful shot...I really like the slope of the hill and the position of the horse. nice work...good luck! 9
10/24/2003 02:12:47 PM
I realy didn't understand the lonliness of this picture when i first saw only the upper part with the factory (or what it is). But when I scroll down, its realy good!
10/24/2003 11:20:36 AM
Ef þú ert villtur þarna á Ãslandi þá get ég allavega sagt þér að þetta er á nesjavöllum :)

Flott mynd, hefði mátt vera meiri litir í umhverfinu.
10/23/2003 11:38:36 PM
Awesome, powerful photo, would like it on my wall :-)
10/23/2003 08:54:27 AM
I like the exotic setting as well as the beautiful horse. On the technical side focus is great. Composition is a little off but balanced. 10
10/22/2003 07:29:06 PM
The factory doesn't fit the subject (destroys the harmony of nature), maybe a pure nature background would be better, but I like the idea very much!
10/22/2003 06:46:12 PM
10/22/2003 06:01:13 PM
Hmm, strangely enough I think the fact that the factory is there in the background helps this photo get that 'lost' feeling. The horse does look like its been wandering around. The colors are a little muted, possibly because of overcast conditions? I can't tell if that's blue sky or just a light cloud layer. I do like the interplay between the two corner focal points, the factory vs the horse. Nice image. 6
10/22/2003 04:12:10 PM
I really like the composition on this one, the smoke makes your eyes wander to the right, then the light line (I can't tell what it is!) brings you back to the left, and finally the slope of the hill draws your attention to the horse. Very well done!
10/22/2003 11:05:26 AM
This is a nice image. I like the composition and the light.
10/22/2003 05:21:46 AM
I think I have a guess on who took this one. The building is a good contrast for this picture, but I don't think its a better picture because of it.

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