9 - Wow. Very nice color. Perhaps the darker color blue/purple underneath dominates a little too much, but then it does offset and complement the darker colors in the gecko. The use of the very shallow dof works really wellhere, not just with the eye and textures, but the leaf(?) and colors as well. Wish it were bigger 'somehow', but I realise it is already 640 width. Maybe a bit more green above (if you had it obviously), just for extra 'size', might change the image too much so, who knows. Good perspective. Nice shot. A frame would likely bring this to life even more, but pixels are precious, especially with an image like this, in this medium. Nice and clean, really can't see any grain at all. If this was neat imaged, it still works well in my opinion, without a little more discernible texture, which would also have likely made this even better. Basic editing Challenge though so, fairly limited. |