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Where is Everybody?
Where is Everybody?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: All Alone (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix 6900Z
Location: My Kitchen
Date: Oct 20, 2003
Aperture: F6.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/4
Date Uploaded: Oct 20, 2003

Processed using Gimp 1.2.3
levels 52 1.0 242
resize to 600 wide
sharp 40
jpg 100%

The subject is a STIKFAS Green Alpha Male Military.

He has lost his friends.

Place: 26 out of 319
Avg (all users): 6.0952
Avg (commenters): 8.7895
Avg (participants): 6.1339
Avg (non-participants): 6.0481
Views since voting: 1859
Votes: 231
Comments: 28
Favorites: 5 (view)

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02/24/2010 12:47:56 PM
What a great figurine! Love him :-) And the image is excellent!
02/24/2010 12:21:28 PM
Hehe, cool shot -- and old, too! :-D
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/28/2003 05:53:11 AM
Heh cool shot, love it! 10
10/28/2003 02:18:14 AM
Heh what a cute little guy. Nice clean presentation. Pose of the subject gives a good feeling of solitude and alone but still an upbeat tone. Color is great. I like the use of space as well. A great image. 10
10/27/2003 07:46:16 PM
You have created an exceptional photograph from a child's simple toy.
10/26/2003 07:18:26 PM
This is cool...I like this shot...very minimal and to the point of meeting the challenge.....7
10/26/2003 02:24:19 AM
Good idea, but somehow needs more.
10/25/2003 05:37:18 AM
He He Nice one. 8
10/25/2003 12:27:17 AM
PERFECT! Such a wonderful color contrast and smoothness to this photo. Terrific feeling of 'alone'.....I give it a 10.
10/24/2003 11:22:50 PM
cute shot...love the negative space. I love the look on the little "guys" face. I give it a 10!

Good Luck!
10/24/2003 03:56:14 PM
Where is every body and every thing? That's great, he looks like he was supposed to be in a movie and missed the bus.
10/24/2003 11:29:55 AM
that's a 10
10/24/2003 07:42:00 AM
i really like this!
10/24/2003 05:19:41 AM
love it, great imagination, top 5 hopefully. 10
10/23/2003 12:34:39 PM
great fun, nicely placed and lit 6
10/23/2003 07:19:17 AM
Brilliant use of negative space. Excellent colour contrast and a great character. I love it. Simplicity at its best.
10/22/2003 09:48:15 PM
fun shot. the wide expressive eyes and the posed hand shielding then makes this a winner. very creative and nicely executed!
10/22/2003 06:51:16 PM
Cool shot. Nice lighting. Good positioning of subject. Nice use of negative space. 9.
10/22/2003 04:22:30 PM
Cute little guy. I'm impressed with the lighting and the "positioning" of the subject - he's definitely alone.
10/22/2003 02:01:26 PM
makes me laugh ... great job
10/22/2003 01:49:55 PM
something about this just appeals to me - cool model and the posing really speaks volumes - feels like a frame from a cartoon
10/22/2003 01:11:27 PM
Great simple image that gets the point across. This is a cool toy and I like how you have posed it. The composition is nicely done as well.
10/22/2003 12:02:10 PM
This is great! Comical and whimsy. I like the white background - how did you get it to look so blank? Well done. Simple, yet effective.
10/22/2003 09:47:18 AM
super cute!! A+ on this shot - its great! Excellent composition, love the white background, and the little green shadow by the foot makes for a great capture. There is something missing though .. I can't quite pinpoint it - maybe another subject in the distant background? I dunno .. anyway, excellent work! 9
10/22/2003 09:46:59 AM
This is great! There was a guy in my photography program that used to do pics with these action figures. They were really cool and so is this. (Adam is that you? Just checking...)
10/22/2003 04:40:03 AM
Fun :)
10/22/2003 12:40:46 AM
that's awesome. great "prop" and execution.
10/22/2003 12:18:46 AM
nice, very toy storyesk

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