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Aaron All Alone
Aaron All Alone

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: All Alone (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A70
Location: Near Beverly's Mill - Broad Run, VA
Date: Oct 20, 2003
Aperture: 4.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Emotive, Nature
Date Uploaded: Oct 20, 2003

My brother, near Beverly's Mill - Broad Run, Virgina. This photo happened to fall into the category and was taken last weekend. It was taken spur-of-the-moment, without my brother knowing. Had I known it would fit the contest, I might have staged it and had him sit still while I moved so the stick wouldn't have covered his face.

Place: 268 out of 319
Avg (all users): 4.1962
Avg (commenters): 5.4286
Avg (participants): 4.0278
Avg (non-participants): 4.4052
Views since voting: 1112
Votes: 260
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/28/2003 01:30:46 AM
nice perspective. love the inclusion of the rocks in the foreground and how the person is semi concealed.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/27/2003 10:51:33 AM
I'd like to see this same subject composed a bit differently -- closer to the subject and from a different angle.
10/27/2003 04:53:08 AM
Is this "where is Aaron" such as "where's waldo?" Would be much better if I could see Aaron because the rest of the photo is rather nice.
10/25/2003 06:38:54 PM
A nice image. I like the color vs. the pale rocks. I also like the overall natural feel of the scenery. Fits the challenge very well. The lighting is a bit too harsh for my tastes, especially where it glares on the rock next to your subject, draws the eyes away from him and to the rock instead. A sharper focus on the subject might spotlight him better so he doesn't blend too much into his background. Nice job! 6
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10/23/2003 09:42:46 PM
branch is in the way. wish you could see more of the subject
10/22/2003 07:58:53 PM
I think Aaron in this picture is a little hard to find, and the branch in front of his face is distracting. I would have had him sit on the edge of the rock in the centre, foreground of this picture, that way he would be more of the focus, and it would take away from overblown rock he is sitting on - It just happens to be one of those tricky outboors shot on a really sunny day. The colour of the trees are very nice and add appeal.
10/22/2003 11:04:24 AM
It's a shame he's behind a branch - good solitary feeling to this one thought
10/22/2003 09:40:00 AM
I think this would have been better if your subjects head weren't hidden in behind the tree limbs. Although you may have done that intentionally, I don't think it works as effectively as it might have if he were better seen. I think the stark white lighting on some of the rocks draws the eyes there and away from your focal point.

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