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All alone at the game
All alone at the game

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: All Alone (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-2100UZ
Location: Beaver statium - Oregon State University
Date: Oct 18, 2003
Date Uploaded: Oct 21, 2003


Place: 156 out of 319
Avg (all users): 5.0480
Avg (commenters): 6.2143
Avg (participants): 5.0735
Avg (non-participants): 5.0108
Views since voting: 1020
Votes: 229
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/28/2003 11:09:42 PM
Great setting + idea!
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10/28/2003 07:07:19 PM
Neat Idea!
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10/28/2003 03:33:52 PM
Maybe if she had set her clock back after Daylight Savings Time she wouldn't have been an hour early. :-)

I like the composition. The model is closer to the corner than the "rule of thirds" would dictate, but it works perfectly here.
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10/28/2003 12:25:52 PM
You should have done it with her standing up and shouting as if she disagreed with the ref's decision... or maybe I watch too much football!
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10/28/2003 01:37:09 AM
nice use of repetitious objects. love the colors. think this would have also worked if you cropped out more of the background and had your subject sitting closer to the camera, filling the frame with all the chairs.
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10/26/2003 10:59:33 PM
Good perspective and nice use of space. Helps support the all alone feeling of the image. Nice color, subject stands out nicely. Lighting is used well and focus is good - would like a bit sharper detail near the subject though. Overall a very solid image. 7
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10/26/2003 02:26:10 AM
I was hoping for a shot like this. I think I would have taken a wider view though.
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10/24/2003 07:08:26 PM
Well, Mr. Big-Shot-3rd-Place-Ribbon-Winner-in-the-Science-Challenge, you are going to have to do better than that to beat me in THIS challenge!!!

Decent use of the ROT.

I suppose that "Mrs. OSU Color Guard of 2003" is sad because Oregon State lost their football game last Saturday against Washington 38 to 14 ?
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10/23/2003 09:35:50 PM
good and lonely
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10/23/2003 11:51:20 AM
I think th eimage would be stringer if the subject was a bit further from the edge of the picture. Crop the left 1/2 of the picture off perhaps
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10/22/2003 09:50:49 PM
A nice interpretation of the challenge, but the subject is too far right and hard to spot as a result. She may have been better sitting two rows down in seat #20. I do like the use of orange though.
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10/22/2003 07:59:48 PM
This is actually something I tried first when I began coming up with ideas for this challenge. I eventually abandoned it because the stadium seats I shot were too darn boring. I like these -- the orange color is much more interesting! My suggestion for this shot would have been to do it without anything in the background. In other words, crop out the press box, and leave nothing but the orange seats -- that would have made this a little more dramatic, in my opinion. Still a great shot/concept for this one!
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10/22/2003 04:22:16 PM
Just a thought. I wonder if the image would potray being alone if she was standing looking like she was cheering. The only one there cheering for the home team. Anyway, nice image. Good use of composition and the seats have a nice graphic presence.
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10/22/2003 02:15:31 PM
You might like to try this as black and white as your subject gets a bit lost in all the bright orange. Good image otherwise.
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10/22/2003 02:12:19 PM
maybe taking this shot from a different angle would let you cast the woman against a completely red background of seats, creating stronger negative space. ithink zooming in a little more while standing in front or behind would work best
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10/22/2003 08:44:22 AM
Good idea capturing one person in the large stadium, she is little hard to find in the picture, the composition may be stronger shooting from the front into the seats.
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