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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Life II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8800
Date: Dec 4, 2006
Date Uploaded: Dec 5, 2006

Me. Me and my wife. My mother-in-law. My grandparents. My wife's great-grand-parents... how much more life could ya want??????? And my great-uncle who died on July 4, 1926...

Place: 102 out of 163
Avg (all users): 5.3260
Avg (commenters): 5.6000
Avg (participants): 5.1061
Avg (non-participants): 5.4161
Views since voting: 611
Views during voting: 303
Votes: 227
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/12/2006 08:03:26 PM
I like the almost sepia color cast to this, and you did a good job arranging the photos, but something feels a bit off about the composition. I think I would like it better if the one photo in very sharp focus was in a slightly better position. My eyes get drawn down and out. Still, nice effort. 6.
12/12/2006 02:49:41 AM
I would have given you a 10 if I could make out what is in that large, dark, picture frame. I see confusing reflections there. Your idea, however, perfectly addresses this subject of this challenge.
12/10/2006 01:01:03 AM
I like the sepia tone, giving it the old fashioned feeling
12/09/2006 09:28:47 PM
Got take on the theme and also a good picture..but the frame in the backphoto disapears.
12/08/2006 03:11:59 PM
Somehow I feel this idea would go better with the Death challenge.
I don't like the reflection.
12/08/2006 02:53:03 PM
Good idea, but execution a little lacking. Colors seem a little off, focus is a problem, glare off the glass.
12/07/2006 02:48:35 AM
I like the idea, generations all together. The reflections spoil it a bit though
12/06/2006 11:22:39 PM
Interesting light choice. I like it though. Fits the topic effectively.
12/06/2006 01:17:30 PM
I'd love to see some of the people in these shots 'now' along with the pictures, or their descendants. That would maybe make the connection to the past even stronger than is apparent here.
12/06/2006 09:42:55 AM
Really like the family scene showing life. Nice work.
12/06/2006 03:50:49 AM
That's what life is all about, one generation after another with them all connected as well.

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