It's straightforward: Neg Art (in camera), light or no crop (I don't remember), no excessive sharpening (I swear! ;-).
The final effect is, IMO, a result of what was there at the time (I isolated this cloud, because it struck me as unusual) and the NEG mode. The image marked the beginning of a series of cloud/sky shots taken on the same day and in the same manner.
As anyone can see from my portfolio, I have little interest or affection for what we call 'digital art' or extensive processing that alters the natural image. On the other hand, there are some subjects which, at times, strike me as 'dramatic' when viewed with the naked eye but less so when banned by the camera. It is then that I've been known to 'fumble' a little with whatever I can think of to get something that can at least match my interest.
I realize that the colours and hues in this shot are less natural than they appear 'artificial' due to the chosen mode, but I accept this (here), since it is so obviously a negative. When this is not or less the case, I'd prefer to convert to grayscale. |