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Grace On Her Knees
Grace On Her Knees

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Grace (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: London
Date: Oct 26, 2003
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Oct 26, 2003


Place: 39 out of 197
Avg (all users): 5.7386
Avg (commenters): 7.0476
Avg (participants): 5.2885
Avg (non-participants): 6.0803
Views since voting: 1215
Votes: 241
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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11/06/2003 02:26:21 AM
Regardless how it may have appeared to some, this photo is perfectly legal in Photoshop terms.

I cropped it a lot (I usually like not to crop at all if possible) and that required some patient use of Unsharp Mask.

I also, but just slightly, raised the color saturation to achieve the final result.

I have out-takes but they do not show the reflections because this Blue Heron is taken by different, most normal perspectives. I will put them on-line asap including a version of the original (having being working on PhoTournament.com and re-assetting my websites, I removed my galleries and I do not have a portfolio on-line at the moment).

I did choose this perspective, at shooting time, attracted by the simmetry of the two blue spots on the bird wings which are not visibile by any other angle.

Finally, I would like to share a true secret about how to take reflections like that.

I do not know exactly why, maybe somebody can explain it, but when it is omogenously cloudy (and that happens quite frequently here in UK), subjects reflects in the water in a very colorful and crispy way.

In addition to that, I was pretty lucky that the water in this picture is dirty, therefore the bubbles which create another interesting pattern which contributes to the intended pictorial view.

This is definitely one of my best three photos ever and it prints very well. I hanged it in front of my desk wall and I love it.

I final word about Photoshop artworks and tricks: it is true that, theoretically, anything can be produced (or reproduced) digitally, but when you see a photo with such complex and different patterns, to produce it in Photoshop would have required one month work from an excellent artist!

it is much much easier to take it as you wish with your camera! ;)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/04/2003 06:57:59 PM
That bird would stand out much more if you tried decreasing the saturation on the yellows and possibly the greens.
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11/04/2003 08:41:11 AM
lovely crane, full of grace, nice color good clarity 8
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11/04/2003 05:36:57 AM
Lovely colors ... 9
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11/03/2003 06:56:13 PM
Very interesting shot. The colors in the water are very nice, and set off the bird quite nicely.
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11/03/2003 07:35:15 AM
Excellent effect in the watrer, is it natural ?
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11/02/2003 06:38:32 PM
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11/02/2003 04:48:40 PM
Graceful indeed, plus a very present touch of impressionism in the background. If Claude Monet had painted animals, he would have painted what you saw. Water ripples under the beak are perfect. Original by it's colors. Well done.
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11/02/2003 01:41:50 AM
NICE shot! PLease show some out takes as well when this is over...
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11/01/2003 04:31:17 PM
Monet would be proud.
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10/31/2003 05:18:37 PM
Nice capture, but the colours are a little too extreme.. they wash one another out and detract from your focus.
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10/31/2003 09:50:49 AM
The bird is beutifull, but i find the background pretty disturbing - to much strong colors and contrast for my tast. So i give you 3 for the bird only...
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10/30/2003 01:21:50 PM
What a rich colors, impressive, appealing. I would crop a slight part of the top so the left reflection (of another bird?) is removed.
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10/30/2003 10:53:45 AM
All I can say is WOW. I feel like I am there. Splendid! 10
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10/30/2003 05:29:02 AM
Too sharp, it hurts. The color are not natural
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10/29/2003 10:08:58 PM
Excellent picture...but I find the reflection of the trees a bit disturbing to the eye(too green...lol). And it kind of robs the grace. But than again, I'm just a beginner... 8
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10/29/2003 08:59:16 PM
Knockout colors and sharpness. Looks like a painting.
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10/29/2003 04:40:02 PM
Has a Monet quality to the background. A little too static in composition but an interesting image.
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10/29/2003 03:34:08 PM
Wow this is fantastic - the only thing that's strange about this picture is the reflection - it doesn't seem natural, although I'm sure it is. Well done tho, nice capture.
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10/29/2003 02:23:31 PM
Cool reflections in the water unfortunately it seems to draw the eye away from the subject of the photo. Still a very nice photo.
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10/29/2003 01:08:15 PM
ohmegod, this is great! another 10.
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10/29/2003 12:41:04 PM
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10/29/2003 06:09:18 AM
Water background is great. subject too.
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10/29/2003 04:39:50 AM
I like the reflections, only thing is it doesn't look like a graceful pose for teh bird (try asking it to lift it's head a bit! ;¬) )
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