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New Life or New Omelette?
New Life or New Omelette?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Something New (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 995
Location: London
Date: Aug 11, 2002
Aperture: f4.1
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/30
Date Uploaded: Aug 11, 2002

Shot using simple desk lamps.

Place: 36 out of 168
Avg (all users): 5.6326
Avg (commenters): 6.3913
Avg (participants): 5.3543
Avg (non-participants): 5.8905
Views since voting: 1152
Votes: 264
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/18/2002 10:19:00 AM
haha...rather humourous!
08/18/2002 12:57:00 AM
Softer lighting and less shadow and less grainy would be helpful. Good idea though adn a clever title.....
08/18/2002 12:09:00 AM
I'd love to see this in B&W!
08/17/2002 08:05:00 PM
Very clever, I like how the inside of the egg is lit up too. How many eggs did you break into a million pieces trying to get this shot? lol. Eggs and I do not get along well. The lighting and angle are great. Nice shot and good luck in the challenge.
08/16/2002 03:37:00 PM
This is kind of interesting, I'm surprised more people didn't do something with eggs. I really don't like to see the challenge name (new) used in the title though... too cliche. The I find fuzziness in the upper right of the photo to be distracting, but maybe it was done on purpose. Overall, though, pretty good, and I like the idea.
08/16/2002 03:01:00 PM
if you capture a chick coming out of it, i'd give you a 10....
08/16/2002 02:26:00 AM
This is a very beautiful photo. The subtle cracking, the soft light showing the contours of the shell, the warm sepia... it's captivating :). 10! - lisae
08/15/2002 05:15:00 PM
Title is very disturbing (or provocative depending on where you sit). Photograph is excellent, technically. 9
08/15/2002 01:42:00 PM
I really like this... I just think the hot white spot on the egg shell takes away from it. Otherwise, nice texture and composition.
08/15/2002 11:52:00 AM
beautiful. i love this. a little soft but i think it works. very nice choice of color. although the title is funny i think it cheapens what is a beautiful photo. great work.
08/15/2002 08:05:00 AM
Another interesting egg shot. I can certainly make the connection and the title is funny and prompts the viewer to wonder about that as well. It's a good photograph but the light on the egg coming from the left is too strong.
08/15/2002 12:33:00 AM
Excellent picture! I really like the lighting and can't help but wonder how you got that freakin' egg so clean on the inside! I like the title too. Very appropriate. I give it a 10!
08/14/2002 06:02:00 PM
I have looked at this photograph several times now considering if I should give it a higher score. Then I saw the title and felt it was trying to save the picture and changed my mind, sorry.
08/14/2002 01:07:00 PM
Very nice.
08/14/2002 12:12:00 PM
Theres good use of light coming through the shell here, but the focus is a bit soft, particularly on the background eggs.
08/13/2002 08:36:00 PM
Technical Aspects3
08/13/2002 07:07:00 PM
Very original theme, among my favorites for this challenge. I like the lighting angle very much, but do note that the light is a bit strong and harsh enough to blow out detail from the upper left of the egg. Consider this setup as an alternative: A multi-flash setup with a well diffused key light from the left and a fill-in from above the camera set two or three stops below the key light.
08/13/2002 05:43:00 PM
Interesting - find it too grainy, though I imagine that, and the sepia, are intentional.
5, Kavey
08/12/2002 07:06:00 PM
I like the subject matter and the tone quite a bit!
08/12/2002 06:04:00 PM
The title makes this picture
08/12/2002 05:45:00 PM
I would go for the omelette! good idea.
08/12/2002 02:11:00 PM
Great shot! I love the soft lighting....
08/12/2002 04:30:00 AM
Omelette!! :-)
08/12/2002 03:46:00 AM
Cool title. The egg image isn't so original though after a number of DP challenges. Lighting could have been better as well.

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