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The 13th Day...the aftermath.
The 13th Day...the aftermath.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 12 Days Of Christmas (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
Location: Emporia, KS
Date: Dec 25, 2006
Aperture: f/7.1
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Candid, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Dec 27, 2006

Taken on Christmas after opening all of our gifts. This is my mom on my grandfather\'s chair. I set up my brand spankin\' new 52\" round reflector with the gold side to reflect the natural light onto her. I also used my brand new Alien Bee 400 strobe to further illuminate her. I actually took this image with this effect in mind, just didn\'t know how I would do it.

I ended up doing all of the editing in RAW. I actually did them in the CS3 Adobe Bridge Camera Raw Trial. (Loving this!) Here are the settings I drastically changed:

Alright, here is what I did for the mom picture. It was all in Camera Raw from Adobe Bridge from CS3 (The trial)

(obviously these exact settings won\'t yield the same result on every image, but you get the idea)

Upped the \"recovery\" slider to 88
Upped the \"fill light\" slider to 75
Upped the \"black\" slider to 28
Upped the \"brightness\" slider to 128
Upped the \"contrast\" slider to 70

Took the \"vibrance\" slider down to -37
Used the \"strong contrast\" default curve

In the luminance color channels I did the most changes

red: +99
orange: +11
yellow: +1
greens: +100
aquas: -100
blues: -14
purples & magentas: 0

Lens vignetting: +49 (white vignette)
vignette midpoint: 58

Then I saved for web.

Place: 27 out of 58
Avg (all users): 5.5049
Avg (commenters): 6.1875
Avg (participants): 4.9250
Avg (non-participants): 5.6446
Views since voting: 1791
Views during voting: 626
Votes: 206
Comments: 25
Favorites: 10 (view)

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12/01/2007 12:49:56 PM
I wish I could follow the steps you posted I love this effect! all I have is adobe elements, can you do that in there?
01/11/2007 02:58:07 PM
Really like this 1
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01/09/2007 11:47:41 PM
This was one of my favorite submissions for this challenge, even if the interpretation is a bit of a stretch for me. This is a wonderful example of tasteful digital transformation of what might otherwise be a mediocre photo into something truly special. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see other experiments of this sort in the Free Studies in the future!
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01/08/2007 07:12:55 AM
I still stand behind my vote, a wonderful subject. I get this tired just singing the song to my daughter. The spirit of the challenge is certainly here!
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01/08/2007 07:12:42 AM
This is a great picture love the pp it is so well done, to bad it didn't meet the challenge because I am sure it would have scored very high if it did. Anyway great shot!
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01/08/2007 05:14:19 AM
Reading your notes explains how effectively you have captured the mood. Kudos - right on the money. There there :)
Maybe you shouldn't have taken this, because when you look back you only remember the fun.
Anyway, truly excellent picture.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/07/2007 11:31:16 PM
Sorry. It's a decent shot of that exhausted state, but it doesn't meet the challenge of shooting something from the song.
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01/07/2007 01:24:38 AM
Can you please tell me how to do this. Edges right? I can't seem to get it perfect like this. Very nice.
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01/06/2007 11:24:36 PM
i love the processing and the title!
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01/06/2007 05:53:56 PM
Well, the challenge said 12 days of christmas, but I am giving you the benefit of the doubt because of your creativity.
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01/04/2007 01:06:35 AM
lol! love the concept
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01/03/2007 05:06:47 PM
I really don't think it fits with the spirit of the challenge. However, it's a superb photo and I'm giving it an 8 for that.
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01/02/2007 07:22:09 PM
Great shot, I hope you tell us how it is done.
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01/02/2007 06:50:57 PM
This is just perfect...!!!
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01/02/2007 12:49:41 PM
I like the colours on your pp. I don't like the angle of the shot, mostly because her feet are too much in evidence and too distracting imo.
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01/02/2007 10:28:24 AM
Nice job evening out the light! This looks like a pencil drawing and she looks like a sculpture. Yes, I will have to put this in my favorites. Thanks.
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01/01/2007 05:56:28 PM
Love the picture and filter but loses points for not being the 12 days of Christmas.
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01/01/2007 05:53:50 PM
Fabulous. MUST. Know. How. It's. Done!!!
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01/01/2007 10:34:25 AM
like the photo, but IMHO it doesn't fit the challenge ...
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01/01/2007 06:48:47 AM
Nice techniquing.
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01/01/2007 05:16:36 AM
DNMC. You can't make up your own rules.
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01/01/2007 04:35:31 AM
right on 10
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01/01/2007 02:04:19 AM
this I relate to
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01/01/2007 01:13:28 AM
Cute! :)
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01/01/2007 12:26:12 AM
Happy New Year - 7
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