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[Desert Waste]
[Desert Waste]

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Harsh Environments (Expert Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Date: Dec 27, 2006
Aperture: f4.5
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Landscape
Date Uploaded: Dec 28, 2006

Taken at a dry lake bed near Lancaster CA on a cold and windy day on my way to work. Just after sunrise. I discovered this scene when I was packing up my camera (I was taking pics in the opposite direction) - this view has much more color and interest.

-Ten pics taken in RAW format in a 2x5 matrix.
-used panotools to stitch the pics together
-edited pics for lighting/color and contrast both before and after stitching.
-used two layers, one of sky and one of the ground to control exposure of each
-added border
-used neat image to clean up noise

Place: 47 out of 116
Avg (all users): 5.8756
Avg (commenters): 5.7000
Avg (participants): 5.8361
Avg (non-participants): 5.8902
Views since voting: 835
Views during voting: 375
Votes: 225
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/04/2007 07:19:18 PM
This shot is nice but I have a feeling it is one of those shots that needs to be BIG up on a wall to pop, it just doesn´t do that in web resolution. 6 from me
01/03/2007 05:32:53 PM
I'd love to see this much closer to the ground, really getting into some of the cracks but still stretching off to the horizon. Beautiful tones and colours and a lot of potential, but this viewpoint feels a bit pedestrian.
12/30/2006 12:47:38 PM
Good color and certainly is harsh. Horizon doesn't look level.
12/30/2006 01:36:30 AM
Desolate and certainly harsh. The sky is terrific. If there were possibly one thing like a dead twig, or skull, or even a living creature, it would really top it off for me. 7
12/30/2006 12:41:20 AM
12/29/2006 09:29:43 PM
Umm..excuse me...I live in the desert and it is not a waste! (smile) The photo seems to have some dark smudges (?) in it but if I were voting, I'd give it a 7. I rarely vote in challenges I participate in. Good luck to ya.
12/29/2006 02:07:10 PM
Happy New Year! - 7
12/29/2006 12:50:52 PM
a POV closer to the ground (so we could see more of the cracks) might have enhanced this. double border takes away from the image IMO
12/29/2006 04:54:17 AM
If you would have taken this photo little more near the ground, the photo would make much more impact. The framing is killing the photo also by drawing the attention to it.
12/29/2006 04:48:51 AM
Very nice.
If you could just have straightened that distracting hoizon.
I can't help tilting my head a little bit, haha.
12/29/2006 12:38:04 AM
Great image, but I feel like there isn't a focal point. The little white specs are distracting, too. 6
12/29/2006 12:22:56 AM
Hmm the colors are good, the sky looks great but it needs something more, theres so much empty space, it needs something to draw my attention

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