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The Spawning..   accepting death... to give life
The Spawning.. accepting death... to give life
Faye Pekas

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Grace (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S50
Location: Oregon
Date: Oct 28, 2003
Galleries: Emotive, Nature
Date Uploaded: Oct 28, 2003

I stopped by a river to get a shot of a sunset. I forgot the sunset when I saw the Chinook Salmon spawning so close to shore. These Salmon always return to their place of birth to spawn and this poor hen was banged up from her trecherous journey from the Pacific Ocean to this spot 100 miles up the Umpqua river in Douglas County Oregon. Chinook Salmon die after they spawn. This graceful lady has finished her life's task. Her eggs are buried in a gravel nest beneath her, the male has fertilized them and gone his own way... and she is waiting to die.

I love the mosaic look caused by the water movement.

All I did was crop, sharpen and play with curves just a tiny bit.

Place: 120 out of 197
Avg (all users): 4.7435
Avg (commenters): 7.6667
Avg (participants): 4.3158
Avg (non-participants): 5.0444
Views since voting: 1421
Votes: 230
Comments: 8
Favorites: 5 (view)

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07/14/2006 08:51:17 PM
You're explanation lends a great deal of poigniancy to this image. Regardless of whether or not it was understood, it's an incredibly beautiful and unique image.
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11/05/2003 01:57:04 AM
beautiful capture
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/03/2003 10:38:38 PM
What an absolute beautiful picture! If this isn't in the top 10..I'll be surprised! 10
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11/03/2003 12:12:40 PM
really interesting texture... Would have liked a closer shot to show the detail and eliminate the rocks in foreground.
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11/02/2003 11:29:11 PM
Grace is apparent here on several levels. Besides the symbolism given in the title, and the grace of the fish itself, the rocks and the water ripples are very graceful. And the distortion of the water gives this image an impressionistic appearance that I find beautiful and graceful.
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11/01/2003 04:25:29 PM
I like the impressionist look of this photo.
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10/30/2003 10:22:43 AM
spawning?? wats spawning???? everything looked too much camouflaged until the subject is too hard to comprehand. There is grace in the title, but not in the photo though.
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10/29/2003 05:16:34 PM
I really like this photo.....grace in the deepest meaning. I've seen the salmon spawning in Alaska, going to the greatest hardship to make it to give life, and then die. 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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