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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fences (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Location: On campus of Southern Arkansas University
Date: Dec 28, 2006
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Dec 31, 2006

This is my first submission with my new 70-200 L glass...i will never purchase another lens that is not Canon, let alone L glass. out of all the lenses i've owned, this is the sharpest i have ever seen. already worth the money i spent on it, i can tell.

when this challenge came out, i immediately thought of these cows on my campus at Southern Arkansas University. This is probably one of the most processed images i've entered here at DPC.


*Raw conversion with adobe lightroom
*levels adjustment
*curves adjustment layers
*TONS of dodging (especially on the fence itself)
*resize to 640
*small amount unsharp mask on lightness channel in lab mode
*save for web
*after this step, i noticed some halos around the fence, so i went in and burned them out. found a few other small things i cloned out as well to clean up. i really hope this places well, i'm very excited about it. (that usually means it'll score about a 5 :P

save for web again :D

my hopes for this is at least a 6.5 my last few submissions have been mid 6s, which is high for me, but getting better so we'll see :D

good luck to everyone entering


sweet! thanks for the great score everyone. i really don't understand the 1s and 3s on this, but i suppose i never will. i don't see how it could be a 1 or 3 scored photo...oh well. another replacement for my top of my portfolio...my goals are starting already :D this was a great challenge, really enjoyed it.

also, i was afraid that this would get killed for the attention centered on the cow, not the fence...two minutes before roll-over, i went in and changed the title to "Confining", hoping it would show that much more emphasis on the fence in the picture, but it did not save apparently, but i am very proud of this score, and this shot. my first of many with my new toy (70-200).

Place: 31 out of 315
Avg (all users): 6.2531
Avg (commenters): 7.5625
Avg (participants): 6.2079
Avg (non-participants): 6.2847
Views since voting: 1148
Views during voting: 350
Votes: 245
Comments: 20
Favorites: 2 (view)

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01/10/2007 07:32:16 PM
by karmat

My initial response is that, "Boy, this cow is gonna get you!"

Compositionally, I'm not really fond of the straight on view of the cow or the straigth horizontal of the fence. Perhaps if it had been taken more no an angle, the perspective would have included some leading lines to add interest. However, taken as it is, the cow's head being in the left of the frame with the body leading to the left gives some "dynamicism" (I have no idea if that is even a word).

Technically, the sharpness of the nose and face of the cow, as well as the "richness" of the colors is really good. I like the "blurry" background as well. There is something about it that feels a bit too "dark" to me. Maybe it is the continuity between the cows darker colors and the darker background. I'm not sure it is something you could actually fix, but might be something to keep in mind, sometime.

In the minds of the dpc voter . .. .The fence wasn't as obvious as many were (you acknowledged this in your comments), BUT it is a fence and it is an important element of the picture. The comical expression of the cow probably allowed you to receive a higher score than if it were just a regular old cow standing there, so on that merit, great capture. I could see this being in one of "Farm and Ranch" or "Country Living" magazines' "caption this" contests. Great work.

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/09/2007 10:01:19 PM
Omygoodness...how expressive a face is that?! Great capture!
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01/09/2007 09:56:33 PM
Gota love these bovines! Good sharp picture although i'd prefer just a slightly deeper DOF.
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01/09/2007 12:11:05 PM
Love the expression!
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01/09/2007 09:47:00 AM
Nice tones, love the cows look. Great job!
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01/09/2007 09:31:50 AM
Wow... I looove that cow's expression! 9
Edit: This is my favorite... Moved up to 10!
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01/08/2007 06:48:48 AM
well focused on the cow with the dof bringing him/her out nicely.
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01/07/2007 01:52:45 PM
hehe, very nice bokeh :) 7
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01/07/2007 12:56:53 PM
Wow - I really like this one.. he looks like he has something to say...Great shot!
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01/07/2007 01:13:55 AM
Moooo, this is great..
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01/06/2007 07:12:38 PM
Sweet, plaintive expression, heightened sense of confinement. I hope the voters did not vote this down as being more about the calf than the fence--I think it's just right.
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01/06/2007 01:13:02 PM
great focus at the eye - 6
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01/05/2007 04:16:30 PM
What a look!! Great capture.
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01/04/2007 04:34:57 PM
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01/03/2007 07:01:29 PM
Great shot!
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01/03/2007 04:37:31 PM
you caught the cow with an interesting look on his/her face like "What are you doing with that camera!!"
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01/03/2007 04:22:59 PM
LOVE the facial expression! You managed to keep the fence one of the main focal points of the photograph but it is still not the primary subject. Good job.
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01/03/2007 09:19:28 AM
I love this shot!
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01/03/2007 01:00:47 AM
great shot ... excellent expression ... gotta love cows!!!
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01/03/2007 12:20:09 AM
You must've taken this shot JUST FOR ME! Love it. 8
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