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dont like it? tough.
dont like it? tough.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Still Life (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S30
Location: jallama, ca.
Date: Oct 29, 2003
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: auto
Shutter: 1/1000
Galleries: Still Life
Date Uploaded: Oct 29, 2003

what a waist of a beer.

Place: 309 out of 326
Avg (all users): 3.6223
Avg (commenters): 3.2143
Avg (participants): 3.4526
Avg (non-participants): 3.8646
Views since voting: 963
Votes: 233
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/11/2003 08:28:51 PM
Interesting to say the least, although the objects in the top right corner are distracting, would have been a better shot without the clutter in the corner.
11/11/2003 08:02:33 PM
Its art! You should have skipped out the stuff in the background
11/11/2003 07:06:56 PM
I don\'t like to see a good can of beer wasted, lol. This picture would have appealed to me more if it didn\'t have the blue and black items in the upper right corner. Moving a bit to the photog\'s right might have gotten a shot with just sand as background. Don\'t like my comment? Tough!
11/11/2003 05:30:53 PM
Cool walking stick. I actually would like this if you did away with the stuff in the upper right corner and worked on contrasting the stick with the sand a bit more.
11/11/2003 05:06:07 PM
Er, its different. The exposure is good, colour is good. Maybe if you had shot it from a different angle so that just the 'stick' and the can were the only subject as the clutter to the right of the shot is distracting
11/11/2003 02:29:45 PM
At least you're defiant.
11/10/2003 11:38:19 AM
Hmmm. What are you trying to accomplish here?
11/09/2003 09:45:37 PM
Potential for a really good photo. However; It looks like a spur of the moment kind of thing. I really admire the energy and intensity in the the subject though. Perhaps a different angle that would've excluded the disstractions in the upper right hand corner?
11/08/2003 10:20:23 PM
then why bother to have even entered it.
11/07/2003 05:21:25 PM
Sorry about yesterday's comment, bad day. Not sure what you were trying to say here, and still not sure if it qualifies as a still life, my initial impression is no however it does meet most of the qualifications so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and re-rate it.
11/06/2003 01:12:16 PM
When you decided that this subject would be your choice for the âStill Lifeâ challenge, how many different photos did you make to try to find the best perspective? How many different lighting options did you try to see how light changes could change the mood of the photo? I believe that some considerations of these elements could have helped you create a higher impact photo.
11/06/2003 11:25:32 AM
would look better without all the stuff in the top right corner. Its distracting and serves no purpose.
11/06/2003 10:49:47 AM
OK...I'll take the challenge. I don't like it, tough!
11/05/2003 10:07:17 PM
The photo is not bad, I can't fault you for that. I could suggest a better composition. [messy backgroud] I do fault the attitude in the title. I will guess you felt the title fit the shot. I will give you that. What I don't know is, is this against the brand of beer, the beer, the beach?? I don't get it. Sorry. Please correct me if I reading too much into this shot.
11/05/2003 09:46:50 AM
Kinf of cluttered in ne corner

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