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Blank Generation

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Black and White Portrait II (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Location: At home
Date: Jan 6, 2007
Aperture: f4
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/25
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jan 6, 2007

PP -

Neat Image
Lucisart Filter

This is a portrait of my 8 year old son, Callum. He likes to have his photograph taken. Just as well really!

For those who care - this image has been softened, I thought that the softness complimented the incredible look on Callum's face i.e. empty but focused, like a TV CASUALTY!

Place: 228 out of 491
Avg (all users): 5.3115
Avg (commenters): 5.7692
Avg (participants): 5.1550
Avg (non-participants): 5.4261
Views since voting: 2288
Views during voting: 584
Votes: 305
Comments: 41
Favorites: 10 (view)

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02/08/2007 07:13:15 PM
It's a great shot
Saying it was like thw Arbus shot is going a bit too far!
Okay the angle of the head is the same and it's black and white but that's it.
Still a fine portrait mind.
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02/04/2007 08:18:27 PM
gave it a 9, there were a few i liked better but over-all this deserved a MUCH higher score!
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02/03/2007 09:29:21 PM
My initial reaction was to make a comparison to the Arbus autistic child image as mentioned previously by Bear_Music. It is a interesting fyi 7.
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02/02/2007 07:59:54 PM
I thought it was so bizarre and had a soft-effect that I've yet to achieve. I kinda liked the border too. I was one of the 7 that gave a 10.
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02/02/2007 02:16:44 PM
I think it is quite an effective and emotional shot but I don't think the letterbox treatment did it any favours at all.
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02/02/2007 12:30:49 PM
Pesonally I wouldn't have softened this quite as much... but otherwise this portrait is just completely stunning. I love it. It DEFINITELY deserved a much better score.
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01/18/2007 04:55:18 PM
Yea man ... way way underrated. I loved the soft effect of your post processing.
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01/17/2007 01:03:13 PM
I think this shot is awesome, and it deserves a much better place in the challenge. For me its definitely wort a place in the top 10..........................
I like the PP and the crop you gave it carefully, including the black bars, outstanding expression.................

Thanx for sharing.............and keep up the good work.

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01/17/2007 09:55:26 AM
Absolutely agree...that was the first pic I thought of when I saw this one. Awesome shot. :)
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01/17/2007 09:44:02 AM
Outstanding! You was robbed. Eerily reminiscent of Diane Arbus's famous shot of the kid with the hand grenade in Central park.

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01/17/2007 09:05:31 AM
Ohhh that was one of my favorites
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01/17/2007 07:06:53 AM
was one of the top 5 in the challenge in my opinion..great shot!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/16/2007 10:18:32 PM
Hum hum... got trouble with these two dark bars...
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01/16/2007 09:14:12 PM
very haunting photo. Not sure about cutting his head off on top or the soft focus, but it's a very strong image.
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01/15/2007 03:42:07 PM
I like the effect. I am very interested to know your processing steps ... good luck
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01/15/2007 02:17:17 PM
I sooooooooo wish this werent so soft... its brilliant.
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01/14/2007 08:16:37 PM
i don't really care for the draganizing here. i think it loses something in b/w.
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01/13/2007 07:08:54 PM
I like your post-processing and the photo itself is an attention-grabber. Good luck.
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01/12/2007 11:09:52 PM
Somebody give this kid a sandwich.
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01/12/2007 08:51:29 PM
Haunting shot. - Focus? Tighter left and right cropping? - 7
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01/12/2007 05:37:59 PM
Interesting and artful, intentional soft focus I assume and a look you don´t forget that easily. I like it. 9.
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01/12/2007 04:26:34 PM
something just not quite right with the hair, it has a faulse look about it, sorry
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01/12/2007 01:21:50 PM
very unique portrait - maybe another frame and crop - 6
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01/12/2007 10:49:34 AM
clearly overprocessed, which does add a kind of...something....but there must be more in there...hmm, not expressing this very well. interesting nonetheless
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01/12/2007 01:08:12 AM
the lighting and pose are among the best in the challenge. love it. i think this type of image calls for a sharper focus, but still fantastic.

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01/11/2007 10:21:40 PM
Alien and strange. I like the deep tones and bizarre softness of this image. You are kind of creating your own rules here, but you play by them very effectively. 9 (whoa-9?)
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01/11/2007 07:57:30 PM
The toning adds a new dimension that is nice but the model's structure is a bit disturbing to me. He looks very underweight. I was going to give this a 4/5 but writing this comment has allowed me to view it for a few seconds. Just because he is not physically perfect shouldn't make it a bad photo. In fact, the pose is very interesting coupled with the cutoff head. If the purpose of your photo was to make the viewer a bit uneasy then you succeeded. It was the same tact I took on mine. I'm going to consider this decent/good art and score it higher.
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01/11/2007 03:19:33 PM
Something brought be back to this one... don't know what it is, but it's somehow very captivating
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01/11/2007 12:31:31 PM
Too much processing to my taste.
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01/11/2007 10:05:51 AM
Vertical framing without the black lines would have been a 8 but now a 4
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01/11/2007 08:00:27 AM
Technically, this is not a very good picture, and you are probably aware of it. Chances are you are not going to win a ribbon. Still, I like the atmosphere in the picture. (8)
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01/11/2007 01:07:12 AM
Does not look natural. Head too large?
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01/10/2007 10:11:33 PM
hauntingly effective..almost as though he is an alien...love this shot!
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01/10/2007 07:08:07 PM
oh my gosh - feed him
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01/10/2007 05:46:02 PM
Quite scary.
Intriguing PP though, with effects that you can't take your eyes off.
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01/10/2007 05:07:46 PM
interesting, disturbing, different.
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01/10/2007 02:56:00 PM
The way you processed the skin creeps me out to be blunt. The skin looks like plastic. No offense. The bars gotta go.
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01/10/2007 12:25:01 PM
I really don't like the post processing here - the picture would have been much better with a more traditional processing IMO.
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01/10/2007 04:57:32 AM
A little too processed, but it works.
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01/10/2007 01:29:12 AM
I like this as much as the one I already commented on that you posted in the forums. Sorry but I really hate it when people post outtakes of something they've got in a challenge. Good luck.
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01/10/2007 12:18:22 AM
I actually like this effect.
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