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Green on Blue on Green
Green on Blue on Green

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Still Life (Classic Editing)
Camera: Toshiba PDR-M70
Location: Outdoors
Date: Nov 1, 2003
Aperture: F 8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/91 sec
Galleries: Still Life
Date Uploaded: Nov 1, 2003

Still life shot outdoors. No Flash

Place: 64 out of 326
Avg (all users): 5.7532
Avg (commenters): 7.0625
Avg (participants): 5.7059
Avg (non-participants): 5.8211
Views since voting: 1241
Votes: 231
Comments: 21
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/11/2003 10:13:19 PM
Good concept. Patchy execution. I'll elaborate. It's not very clear in terms of resolution, and I don't think that's what you were going for. The textures that mix together in this photo could very well spell the difference between your 6 and, say, an 8. Not a huge fan of the dish, although I like the transposition of wrinkled blue on wrinkled green. You should be commended for making green and blue look good together as well; not many people do that correctly.
11/11/2003 08:01:50 PM
The shadow in the front is very cool! Looks like it could be a bit sharper though
11/11/2003 07:18:10 PM
lovely combination of colors and textures. If it were sharp it would be perfect.
11/11/2003 04:58:51 PM
Interesting use of two strong main colours. Non centred composition is a good idea but the bowl sits too close to edge of frame at left and even more so at top for my tastes - needs space within the frame.
11/11/2003 02:54:58 PM
nice color use. love the interesting effects and patterns caused by the reflections , the ripples and the plate. given the cropping, perhaps having the bottom folds of the table cloth at more of a diagonal would 'lead' one into the picture more.
11/10/2003 10:22:35 PM
great colour contrast , i think the colours may have been slightly oversaturated. I can see a touch of purple in the pears. the light ripples over the cloth nicely
11/10/2003 08:27:12 PM
The blue plate is a nice contrast with the green and I like its refracted image on the tablecloth. But the overall image is too soft and I find the noise distracting.
11/08/2003 07:18:53 PM
Very nice composition here! With an elegant simplicity.
11/08/2003 02:46:09 PM
The idea is good. Picture looks a bit grainy. I wish I couldn't see the windows and the sky in the reflections but I still like the photo. 7
11/07/2003 08:54:02 PM
Nice colours, a bit too much empty space in the bottom third of the image.
11/07/2003 07:19:16 AM
I wish the subject were a little sharper, but I do like the use of color.
11/06/2003 10:41:57 PM
Great colors! (9)
11/06/2003 06:07:23 PM
One of the few good shots entered. It̢۪s a classic still life. Nice simple subject, great colors, interesting textures and neat shadows. Good luck, hope it does well.
11/06/2003 03:28:16 PM
great shot. A lot that I like... the contrasting colours, the light thru the plate, good job
11/06/2003 01:04:34 PM
Great job on the lighting, colors and composition.
11/06/2003 09:16:57 AM
nice colors and subject matter, lacks composition....really like the reflection of the glass bowl on the tablecloth....
11/06/2003 03:14:10 AM
11/05/2003 10:11:49 PM
Wish this had a better focus. Nice concept, and colors. I like the shadows on the rippling green cloth. Lighting is interesting, and pleasing, very soft.
11/05/2003 04:00:52 PM
A great idea to have the ripples in the tablecloth and the reflections of the bowl on it. It addsextra interest to the picture.
11/05/2003 01:56:29 AM
Very nicely done. I like the green - blue - green and the light on the waves on the cloth is very effective. Great stuff.
11/05/2003 12:33:27 AM
Neat composition, good, good lighting and colors. Wow. Yummy.

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