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Narcissistic Potato Masher
Narcissistic Potato Masher

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Still Life (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Rochester, Minnesota
Date: Nov 2, 2003
Aperture: f/11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/180th
Galleries: Abstract, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Nov 2, 2003

This shot was pretty simple. I set the potato masher on a mirror and aimed 3 colored flashes at it. Blue from the right, Red from the left and Yellow from above.

In PS I cropped the image, gave a slight levels adjustment and a smidgen of Unsharp Mask.

Place: 27 out of 326
Avg (all users): 6.0961
Avg (commenters): 7.5385
Avg (participants): 6.1908
Avg (non-participants): 5.9694
Views since voting: 1391
Votes: 229
Comments: 16
Favorites: 2 (view)

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11/17/2003 12:30:26 PM
Welcome from the Critique Club: To begin with, for me the title is pretentious. I don't think of Narcissim as 'fancy dress' but rather as an intensely lonely and gapingly empty place constantly rewounded by the effect of others. Technically the image is well-lit, has good texture and color, but the overall composition is stiff and top-heavy. Have you thought of flipping it on its side where, for this viewer, it has more wow factor? It also appears to be able to flex its muscles a bit where it is crowded as it is. I realize that this image placed very well in the Challenge but at the time and on review it didn't grab me quite as much as it did others. As far as fit for the challenge, with the above caveats I think it is an interesting and creative challenge response.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/11/2003 11:11:11 PM
Great Light, has the wow effect that DPC voters love, it should do well-- good luck
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11/11/2003 10:31:37 PM
Excellent example of still life, but it's just nowhere as good as some of the others. I would try to think more about what the challenge will mean to different people, and then think about what it will mean to you. This would probably be excellent for another challenge, just not this one.
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11/11/2003 06:26:49 PM
Totally cool lighting! I potato masher like I;ve NEVER seen it. Wonderful.
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11/10/2003 11:31:26 AM
Love the object, colours, focus etc. But the composition is a little boring. 6
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11/08/2003 02:32:11 PM
Very nice... I can't wait to find out what lights have you used. 9
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11/07/2003 10:33:41 AM
Very much like the light reflections on the masher....think the frame is too filled and the composition is weak.
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11/06/2003 09:34:25 PM
very good job.
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11/06/2003 01:19:55 AM
nice colors and negative space. a different positio of the subject might have worked better. 5
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11/06/2003 12:54:49 AM
did you use gel's and it looks like three lights? very good color effort
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11/05/2003 09:03:38 PM
i like the colours...cruel what some people do to potatoes!!
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11/05/2003 07:24:27 PM
Very nice use of color
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11/05/2003 01:57:06 PM
Great lighting inthis product shot, good combination of colors, love how the light accentuates the edges.
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11/05/2003 09:51:54 AM
sweet lighting.
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11/05/2003 05:24:18 AM
Very good title. Excellent lighting - 10
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11/05/2003 03:29:35 AM
Excellent colour and composition. It is so pretty I might want to hang it on the wall and not use it.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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