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sweet dreams
sweet dreams

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Black and White Portrait II (Advanced Editing V*)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D
Location: Roma
Date: Jan 4, 2007
Aperture: f1.4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Black and White, Children
Date Uploaded: Jan 9, 2007

raw adjustments: exposure compensation
croped, used burn tool a bit
high pass - soft light blending
curves, layers, contrast
a bit of grain added

why are you looking at me like this?
lost and depressed I was experimenting.
I will continue with my experiments.


Place: 415 out of 491
Avg (all users): 4.4429
Avg (commenters): 5.6250
Avg (participants): 4.1970
Avg (non-participants): 4.6497
Views since voting: 1077
Views during voting: 380
Votes: 289
Comments: 27
Favorites: 1 (view)

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10/06/2008 04:41:20 PM
This is really frightening.
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01/24/2007 12:40:14 PM
It is the artistic and unique nature of your photographs that makes you stand out in this site. You are unafraid to enter something that doesn't conform to the majorities' liking! Cheers to you. :)

Adding you to my faves' list.
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01/22/2007 04:50:34 PM
Reagrdless of what other voters say, I loved it so much I gave it a 10. Period.

Message edited by author 2007-01-22 16:51:48.
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01/21/2007 09:59:51 PM
Even though I didn't really think it fit the portrait description, I still gave it a reasonably high score. The reason? It's artistic, spooky and yet nostalgic, well-lit and well-composed. You have a real talent. Am starting to recognize your photos out of all entries with little trouble, which also means you have a signature.
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01/17/2007 04:45:44 PM
Oh, keep experimenting, Svetlana. :) It wasn't a good match for "portrait," but then you knew that when you entered it, right? It is a good shot, though.
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01/17/2007 03:51:36 PM
Wow! You weren't kidding when you said you'd taken a departure from the norm. Can I deduct points for your not following your own successful system?....8>)

It's darkly funny, and it makes me chuckle nervously. This whole image and what it evokes is kind of Stephen King-esque......that's a good thing, I think he's really talented.

I like the minimal focus area.....it's so subtle I almost missed it and it relly adds to the mystery of the shot. This is a really different, edgy, evocative shot, Svetlana.....I like it.
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01/17/2007 05:33:52 AM
I just read through all your comments - it seems to me that the really interesting, really good shots inspire comments both strongly positive and strongly negative - you get reactions. This is a fine shot - strong diagonal, good tonality, but what it really has going with it is "reaction" - it makes people stop, look, and think about it.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/16/2007 04:45:44 PM
It's courageous on this site to shoot a doll in a portrait challenge. Does it fit the challenge? IMO, yes. Nice B&W. I will admit that the eye closest to the pillow does bother me a bit.
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01/16/2007 09:29:39 AM
How can dolls be soooo scary?
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01/15/2007 10:24:10 PM
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01/14/2007 04:52:10 AM
Not what I would consider a portrait
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01/13/2007 10:54:43 PM
very weird!!
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01/13/2007 06:50:52 PM
doll = 3
bold composition = 3
creepy = 1
total = 7
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01/12/2007 09:49:28 PM
creepy! i'd love to see this with a lot of grungy film grain action.
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01/12/2007 06:51:49 PM
eww creepy
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01/12/2007 12:56:32 PM
a definite mood here, expressive and unsetteling
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01/11/2007 11:01:30 PM
Interesting take on the challenge. 7
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01/11/2007 03:27:46 PM
ok, I am voting you down for the doll in this one.. the subject is boring, the BW conversion is a bit dull as well.. sorry 4
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01/11/2007 04:13:14 AM
Impressive, but unfortunately it doesn't fit the challenge criteria for me.
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01/11/2007 01:06:31 AM
Interesting take on the challenge. Well lit, nice and sharp, but not really working for me.
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01/11/2007 12:57:12 AM
looks like a Tool video...had to stop and stare, love the creepiness of this! 9
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01/10/2007 06:18:24 PM
Quick! She need and aspirin
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01/10/2007 12:55:08 PM
Just not groovin' on this one for a portrait... Sorry.
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01/10/2007 12:49:00 PM
i can't help but love this.
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01/10/2007 11:44:30 AM
Very creepy but I like it
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01/10/2007 07:06:19 AM
That's just too weird to pass up...love the title...8
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01/10/2007 01:25:06 AM
I was not expecting this when it popped up, but I really like it. It is not another pretty face. 8
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