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 This image was disqualified from the Motion Panning II challenge.
BMW - The Ultimate Driving Experience
BMW - The Ultimate Driving Experience

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motion Panning II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 28mm f/2.8
Date: Jan 11, 2007
Galleries: Action, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2007

Disqualification Details
You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.

Views since voting: 1621
Comments: 49
Favorites: 5 (view)

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01/25/2007 11:04:38 PM
too bad. great shot even though it's motion blur. with no panning at all.
01/25/2007 10:04:22 PM
aww this was my favorite :(
01/24/2007 12:59:30 AM
definately should of been first place... this is sad..
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/21/2007 09:01:25 AM
Looks like a professional car ad! Great photo, unbelievably sharp for this challenge.
01/20/2007 08:45:08 PM
here's the winner :) this is amazing! if this isn't the blue, i will be greatly surprised. 10!
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01/20/2007 05:26:52 PM
beautiful shot...looks like a commercial...love to hear how this was done!
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01/20/2007 02:44:17 PM
Wow, but this cannot be a photography? This looks like it is drawn or 3dmodelled, but if it is a photo I am very impressed!
01/20/2007 12:49:29 PM
Looks like an advertisement. Like it! 8
01/20/2007 09:41:59 AM
This is increbile but a bit too edited for me..it's starting to look like a vector image instead of a photography. 8
01/20/2007 01:28:42 AM
I wonder if you have your camera rigged to the bumper with a remote to set it off? This is half the fun, you know.... the guessing at the set-up. Anyway, this is a gorgeous shot and a sure top ten winner. 10.
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01/19/2007 11:30:29 PM
This is a FANTASTIC shot! I'm not sure how the voters will react regarding whether or not this is classic "Motion Panning", but a fantastic shot here. Well done! (I'm presuming this camera is mounted to the vehicle.)
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01/19/2007 08:14:08 PM
talk about graphic .... love it ...... great composition .. =9
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01/19/2007 07:03:36 PM
Stunning!!!! The winner, at least for me. 10
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01/19/2007 01:58:15 PM
Some how I don't think attaching your kit to a car is considered panning. I do like the look of this image 5
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01/19/2007 09:34:12 AM
This is a fantastic shot and could easily be on an advert! But did you do this with motion panning or attach a camera to the BMW?
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01/19/2007 02:23:48 AM
WOW. Great shot. Everything about looks good.
01/18/2007 10:16:48 PM
looks like the camera is mounted on the car
01/18/2007 09:35:54 PM
SLEEK!!! Kind of looks like something out of the catalog!
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01/18/2007 09:12:59 PM
very nice job ...how did u do it ?
01/18/2007 07:52:39 PM
wow! I like this technique
01/18/2007 02:56:33 PM
One could argue that this doesn't meet the intent of the challenge...ie not panning. ( I assume camera is atached to the car.) Really a nice shot though.
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01/18/2007 02:40:33 PM
very clean...
01/18/2007 12:53:14 PM
This is one of the best in the challenge :D 9
01/18/2007 12:09:29 PM
Interesting angle. I like it.
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01/18/2007 12:02:26 PM
01/18/2007 10:49:42 AM
01/18/2007 08:41:55 AM
You could sell this image back to the car company for an advertisement photo. Cool smooth shot with great lines and color. Bumping up to 8 for now.
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01/18/2007 06:52:13 AM
wow - this is one of my favorites
Hi came back and put you up to a 10
This is the best photo in this challenge
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/17/2007 10:02:13 PM
I look forward to finding out how this was done - the clarity is astonishing.
01/17/2007 07:39:47 PM
I really like this shot but I am bothered by the issue of it not being Motion Panning. It appears to be more Motion blur with no real panning to it. I could be wrong, I'll look back after the challange to see if you give the details.
01/17/2007 07:38:22 PM
Motion panning is not the same thing as motion blur. The idea of panning is that the camera moves to keep the subject at the same point in the frame. Having the camera attached to the subject isn't quite the same thing ;)
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01/17/2007 07:35:23 PM
I'd be scared out of my mind to try to pull off something like this! Nicely done!
01/17/2007 06:47:16 PM
This is one of those "technically" great shots that, unfortunately, I've seen too many times. I suspect that it took quite an intricate set-up to accomplish, but I just can't give it a "10." Nonetheless, original or not, looking at how crisp and well-achieved it is, I can't give it anything less than a "9."
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01/17/2007 04:43:19 PM
WOW! Are you sure you didn't steel this from a BMW brochure? Very clean!
01/17/2007 04:30:03 PM
This looks like it could be an Ad for the X5. Excellent lighting
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01/17/2007 04:09:38 PM
Really nice picture. Could almost be a real BMW advertisement (the only problem is you can't really tell this is a BMW). I like the touch of green next to the front wheel. The color of the top part of the background is too close to the color of the car. Would've been better with a little more contrast.
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01/17/2007 03:14:01 PM
This appears as if the camera is fixed to the subject, not sure if that is panning...
01/17/2007 03:00:47 PM
This is my favorite. Totally awesome professional looking shot. Love the colors comp and movment/tilt. Sure to be a ribbon winner!
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01/17/2007 02:39:02 PM
Nice shot.
01/17/2007 02:28:41 PM
01/17/2007 01:43:00 PM
I was in a mean scoring mood for this challenge. This is the only 10 I gave and I expect to see you with blue. I've wanted to do this shot for a long time, but am just too lazy. Maybe this summer.
01/17/2007 11:19:39 AM
Not too sure if it complies with the basic editing rules, if so, great photograph for this contest!
01/17/2007 11:16:55 AM
super perspecive
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01/17/2007 07:42:14 AM
Classic shot well executed ..
01/17/2007 07:33:37 AM
WOW! How'd you pull this one off? It looks almost like a CGI rather than a photograph.
01/17/2007 06:45:18 AM
Nice idea, and the end result looks good. I especially like the colours. The concept, in my opinion, of motion panning is that the camera is on a fixed location (such as in the hands or on a tripod) and can be rotated to follow a moving object. In this case, it looks like the camera was mounted on the moving object and, therefore, not panned. The overall effect is similar and your result is perhaps more striking.
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01/17/2007 06:43:07 AM
01/17/2007 02:42:35 AM
Great shot, one of the stand out this challenge. My only gripe being that it is a little bland in the top 3rd but very well done. Please let me know how.
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01/17/2007 01:57:03 AM
This is one cool shot. It's gotta be the blue.

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