[Critique Club]
The choice of subject, and use of the lead-in is good. From a purely compositional perspective, I think that you are too close to the wall. I'd like to have seen the bottom of the wall through the whole shot. Alternatively, a lower angle focussed entirely on the boundary of the wall and pavement would have worked well for this challenge. The jagged lines of the telephone lines are a distraction here.
Because the nearest part of the wall is softer than the rest of the photo, my eye tends to be drawn away from it - and toward the telephone pole, which has no discernable detail and jagged edges (compression may be to blame here though). It would have been a better idea to have used a smaller aperture than f/8 - did you use program mode? - to achieve a much deeper depth of field and keep more of the wall in focus. I also have a D100 and use aperture mode almost exclusively as it gives me much more control over the outcome of the shot.
The light seems quite harsh here, given the hard edged shadows from the wall, and there is subsequently a large luminosity range between the sky and shaded part of the wall. The exposure on the wall is fine, but you have a completely white sky. The only effective way to remedy this in this situation is to take two exposures - one for the sky and one for the wall, and blend them later.
All in all, a good idea which is spoilt by the telephone poles and blown out sky.
Message edited by author 2003-11-16 21:51:47. |