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X-Ray Geese
X-Ray Geese

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Still Life (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7Hi
Location: Kingston, Pennsylvania
Date: Nov 3, 2003
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/90 seconds
Galleries: Abstract, Diptych / Triptych
Date Uploaded: Nov 3, 2003

Shot in solarization mode.
This is my first submission.

Place: 293 out of 326
Avg (all users): 3.8125
Avg (commenters): 3.4545
Avg (participants): 3.8571
Avg (non-participants): 3.7473
Views since voting: 1403
Votes: 224
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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11/12/2003 12:58:38 PM
I would like to thank everyone for their comments. I'm not new to digital photography, however, I am new to these concepts of photography. I have very much to learn and hopefully will not make the same mistakes. For one thing....I now know the real meaning of a "Still Life".

I am new to this site and you may find me not voting right just yet until I get a little more experience and understand things a little better. There are many true works of art that you all put much time and effort into and I really don't want to do them any injustice. I really enjoy this site I only hope that one day I can open my mind to do what I see here. In any event, I am a newbie so please be patient with me.

For those who inquired how I did this....it really wasn't hard at all. Like I said earlier, I am not new to digital photography and my first camera was a Kodak DC260 and just about 2 weeks prior to me taking this shot, I received my new Minolta DiMAGE 7 Hi and I was just going crazy taking pictures and experimenting with all the bells and whistles this camera has.

One of the functions on the camera is a solarization setting in the color mode and I just set it to that. Once I saw it on the monitor, I lightened it a little using my photo editing program (PhotoImpact 8) and that was it.

The last thing I'd like to say is it's been a real pleasure to look at some of these photo's - they are truly incredible.

Thanks Again
Frank Lauri
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/11/2003 07:03:58 PM
Enter your comment he
11/10/2003 07:12:02 PM
Keep it regular when you've got so many shades of the same color.
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11/07/2003 05:32:09 PM
Sorry about yesterdays comment, it was a bad day. I tell you, my initial impression was to dq it, but i saw that it had been validated. I feel that it is seveerly overworked. Composition is fine and couldn't tell you on exposure, it looks like digital art not photography. Other than that it is not a still life.
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11/07/2003 05:22:10 PM
unlike any of the other shots I've seen... very nice. How'd ya do it? I like that the background is in negative and the still life subject is not. One small suggestion might be if the bark was not in the centre but a bit to the left or right.
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11/07/2003 03:13:41 PM
I can't speak for others but reversed image, infrared and other radical color changes do not work well for me and that is true in this case. Live Geese are not a traditional still life subjects since they are animate. Cooked and displayed nicely on a platter, unfortunately, would be better a better still life subject.
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11/06/2003 11:39:50 PM
Interesting, how did you do it?
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11/06/2003 01:35:29 AM
Geese aren't still life and I'm not sure I see any benefit to solarizing the photo.
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11/06/2003 01:29:20 AM
the 'X-rayed' background doesn't really appeal to me
I understand that the tree trunk is the focus of your photo but it does not really look appealing....
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11/05/2003 11:01:23 PM
Oooo, what to say, what to say. This is an interesting shot to say the least. If you had gone for just the tree I think it might have worked better. The post processing has made the picture noisy and distracting, the huge trunk in the middle looks totally out of place, maybe if you had cropped it so the tree completely cut the shot in half? Or came from a different angle? A 4
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11/05/2003 07:35:25 PM
Psychedelic, but Not still life.
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11/05/2003 05:28:00 PM
I'm not sure what value the effect adds to the shot. I know it's tempting to use various features like this, but there should be a good reason to do so.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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