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Last Tune Before the Unknown
Last Tune Before the Unknown

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Still Life (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Lecco, Italy
Date: Nov 3, 2003
Aperture: F7.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/2 s
Galleries: Still Life, Studio
Date Uploaded: Nov 3, 2003


Place: 60 out of 326
Avg (all users): 5.7931
Avg (commenters): 7.6667
Avg (participants): 5.7852
Avg (non-participants): 5.8041
Views since voting: 957
Votes: 232
Comments: 8
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/16/2003 07:18:18 PM
Critique Club:
I'm glad I got this picture to critique... I liked it the first time I saw it, and gave it an 8. I'm a guitarist, so good pictures of guitars are particularly meaningful to me.
The lighting is what makes this photo stand out, you exploited the black paintwork and black background to emphasise the ambiguity of the body's shape. Only the white scratch plate gives away the shape of the guitar. Your title hints that this is symbolic of the state of mind of the musician. I particularly like the way the bridge is reflected in the black paintwork. A nice touch.
The minor niggles I would draw attention to in this photo are:
There is nowhere near enough sharpness in this picture... did you try unsharp mask? Was the photo taken with a tripod? Was it steady? Did you use a remote control/ shutter timer?
The amount of negative space at the top and at the bottom of the subject is uneven. I'd have liked more negative space below what we can see of the guitar.
The fretboard is just a little too orange for my liking... I'd have desaturated the picture a tad.

In general, a good photo where you imaginatively took advantage of your subject's colour by using a similarly coloured background to explore ambiguity of shape and played with the viewer's ability to imagine what is missing.

Message edited by author 2003-11-16 19:19:11.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/11/2003 05:55:56 PM
Cool angle - I like how the guitar just disappeas into the darkness, This would be really fantastic if it were sharp, with less glare off the surface. I like it.
11/11/2003 12:45:07 PM
Looking back at this photo, I don't know why I didn't give you a 7 at first. This really took some skill on your party. I have a problem with it being in color, however. You've gone to great lengths to craft the shadows in this photograph, contrasting light and dark, black and white. The wood fretboard only serves to break up this otherwise picturesque example of juxtaposition. Your title is very wistful; b&w photography captures wistfullness best.
11/11/2003 04:05:38 AM
I think it would of looked better if the neck wasnt cut off.
11/10/2003 04:08:55 PM
very nice fade to black.
11/09/2003 08:55:43 PM
Dramatic angle and lighting. A little sharpening would make the focus match the starkness of the image.
11/06/2003 03:47:24 PM
I like how the rest of the body is blacked out. Well done! (9)
11/05/2003 06:28:57 AM
a clean shot, nice...

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