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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Date Uploaded: Jan 21, 2007

Viewed: 766
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

NOT a BR shot.

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04/09/2007 02:32:38 PM
Thats better, MUCH better.
02/11/2007 10:52:40 AM
Makes me hungry. Really nice capture.
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02/11/2007 10:20:37 AM
Originally posted by Graydog:

Good natural lighting and great textures.I like the detail in the foreground and the sharpness.Would have like to see the cake at an angle though.Nice pic

Not natural lighting...that's what's so cool. This was taken in a darked-out living room with two lights using one soft-box, an umbrella and bounce card.

I bought some Hensel Monolights and this was a test shot.

Message edited by author 2007-02-14 19:47:07.
01/23/2007 10:12:00 AM
Good natural lighting and great textures.I like the detail in the foreground and the sharpness.Would have like to see the cake at an angle though.Nice pic
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01/22/2007 05:11:41 PM
i lurrrrrrrrve cheesecake. drool drool drool... nice pic too btw :)
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01/21/2007 07:05:26 PM
I think this photo is really creative! I love the detail of the photo. The backrounfd looks nice blurry to not take away all the attention. I also like how the cheesecake looks really 3-D.
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01/21/2007 06:58:10 PM
simply splendid
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01/21/2007 05:04:57 PM
Really great job, Steve! I'd love to see the pointy part of the cheesecake pointing just a smidgen to the right for a more dynamic effect, but I think Formerlee already mentioned something like that. The lighting is wonderful!! The background raspberries and dof really make the foreground come to life, too.
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01/21/2007 04:21:27 PM
Looks really nice, making me hungry! I like the background elements a lot, it really completes the scene. One thing I would try is to turn the plate counter-clockwise a bit, so the cake is pointing to the 4 to 5 o'clock position, it would give a better view of the cake and subliminally lead the viewer right up to the rasberries in the back. Great lighting too.
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01/21/2007 04:10:49 PM
The picture looks great, really something you would want to eat. Background looks fine, colours and lighting show it to perfection, almost. My only gripe is perhaps having the cheesecake at an angle would have made for a better shot, rather than pointy end on. Just a personal thing. I think slightly side on with raspberries to the fore. A good effort.
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01/21/2007 03:47:11 PM
I'd be inclined to have some detail on the nearside of the raspberry. A smidgling of right to left light, as in a shaft of light perhaps. It would also benefit the cake... Perhaps a little less centered too. But all in all the food shots you have shared recently seem to show an interesting development in your photographic skills (if a high cholesterol diversion...)
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01/21/2007 03:03:17 PM
The lighting is good and I like the background setup you went with. I just wish the cheesecake itself was more solid looking and not falling apart somewhat. Anyway, I know nothing of this type of photography so take with a grain of salt. I can image this isn't easy to shoot.

Edited for spelling.

Message edited by author 2007-01-21 15:03:46.
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01/21/2007 02:44:50 PM
Looks delicious! Loving the background, but I agree that a little more forground might be needed and I might even like to see what it looks like with the cheescake more on an angle with the tip pointing to the lower right corner instead of straight down the middle. Just a thought.... Lighting is great!
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01/21/2007 01:45:07 PM
great photo - I would like to see more foreground

I'm amazed at how much work goes into these - shoots I've been a part of for video we hired food stylists and they are amazing

So guessing you didn't have a stylist, this is amazing. Nice work

The DOF comments are dumb BTW, look at any Better Homes and Gardens - you're right on
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01/21/2007 01:42:28 PM
Great shot! I really like it... looks yummy. Though I like my cheesecake with strawberries.
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01/21/2007 12:47:31 PM
I think it would be more effective visually if you had the first raspberry on top of the cake in sharp focus.
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01/21/2007 12:29:05 PM
awww Dude.......... I've eaten sugar mebbe 3 times since last march.. This is painful to look at ;) laughing...

Did you make it? Looks hella yummay.. I hope you enjoyed it as well. :)

*edit to add*

apparently I missed the thread yesterday.. ;) still looks delish.

Message edited by author 2007-01-21 12:39:32.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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