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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Minimalism II (Minimal Editing I*)
Camera: Kodak DX7590
Location: Lansing, MI
Date: Jan 24, 2007
Aperture: f3.5
ISO: 80
Shutter: 1/90
Galleries: Snapshot, Urban
Date Uploaded: Jan 25, 2007

Shot from 3rd floor of the parking ramp downtown.
In ps- sized, sharpen, sfw :-)

Place: 72 out of 231
Avg (all users): 5.7041
Avg (commenters): 6.5000
Avg (participants): 5.6667
Avg (non-participants): 5.7412
Views since voting: 643
Views during voting: 252
Votes: 169
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/01/2007 10:00:01 PM
I love the skewed perspective and odd POV. I have a poem with same title.


This is the chorus.
The crosses are here. Arise.
Telephone poles are not a coincidence.

Someone familiar has not seen you.
She turns around. The meaningless symbol
breaks your heart. Your imagined world
is attacking you from pointed spaceships,
like rain squeezing through a window.

This is the chorus.
The crosses are here.
The telephone poles are real.

A trainyard of pieces of trains
and pieces of track. They go.
You merely continue. You are inside
a whole train. You are so sure
that you are parallel to your life.

But the crosses are here. Rise.
This is the chorus.
The telephone poles died for a reason.

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02/01/2007 03:47:53 AM
Maybe a crop without the lamp and the white line on the left should have been a stronger photo
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01/31/2007 08:16:09 PM
Great eye for composition; very nice image
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01/31/2007 01:06:48 AM
Nice angle! Would've worked better without the strip in the lower left corner, at least for me.
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01/30/2007 03:13:26 PM
Excellent graphic qualities ... oh what being able to crop would do for this one (to exclude that lampost at bottom and other crosswalk hash in the lower left).
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01/28/2007 07:14:09 PM
Should have cropped out the top of the light ... would have been perfect!
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01/28/2007 05:05:28 PM
Nice point of view, but I had cropped more to avoid the lamp at bottom and the left whithe band.
Otherwise good shot
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01/27/2007 05:40:54 PM
Although person may be intended as the main subject, the cross walk pulls the eye as the main focus.
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01/27/2007 04:39:08 AM
The lamppost and white line in the lower left are a bit distracting, but overall I like the mood here - feels like a deserted street, lonely man, head down. Quite unassuming and minimalist.
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01/26/2007 10:56:06 AM
the diagonal does a great job of drawing your eye around the frame
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01/26/2007 09:34:18 AM
Nice. Love the dirt tracks on the white of the crossing. The position of the lighting post top is questionable. 8
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01/26/2007 08:21:06 AM
Great image.
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01/26/2007 06:55:47 AM
I think it would have been so much better if you cropped out the light at the bottom, which of course would have had to be in camera as you coupledn't crop in this challenge...I like this though, well spotted
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01/26/2007 05:27:58 AM
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