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Sacred Water In God´s Nature
Sacred Water In God´s Nature

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Sacred Places (Classic Editing)
Collection: Black&White
Camera: Olympus C-730UZ
Location: Sweden, Countryside
Date: Nov 7, 2003
Aperture: 3,4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Nature, Macro
Date Uploaded: Nov 7, 2003


Place: 36 out of 109
Avg (all users): 5.8138
Avg (commenters): 6.2143
Avg (participants): 5.6753
Avg (non-participants): 5.9706
Views since voting: 1324
Votes: 145
Comments: 18
Favorites: 4 (view)

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06/12/2004 10:44:57 PM
very nice shot!
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01/07/2004 05:44:09 PM
Very delicate and gentle macro. I love those beads of moisture and the multiple facets they create. Well chosen subject.

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/16/2003 11:13:43 PM
Very cool shot overall! I love the beads of dew on the spider web and the large droplet. Almost makes me wonder if it's natural or if you had a spray bottle handy, LOL! I'm not sure about the black and white in this shot though I am starting to love balck and white more and more this is just a bit too dark for my taste, I would like to see this one in color. Started at a 6 but am going to an 8
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11/16/2003 09:57:46 PM
Upside down this photo looks much like a doorway to another land. Nice job with the implied lines and I really enjoy the shapes that are projected on the edge of the large water drop.
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11/16/2003 09:35:44 PM
While this shot does have some wow factor, the tightness of the crop and lack of detail really detract from it's appeal! Also, I think I would like to see it in color. I do like the tiny drops on the spider webs!
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11/15/2003 01:56:34 AM
This is a wildly done shot on DPC. I like the sue of black and white. I think you have oversharpened your image, as you have halo's around the drops. The drop off center adds to the interest.
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11/14/2003 10:28:12 PM
Nice tones and lovely clarity here. I don't think you need the title to be so didactically 'sacred.' The photo stands on its own. The mood is clearly sacred. Could use some cropping on the bottom; I can't see the negative space doing much down there. Very well seen and composed.
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11/14/2003 09:13:01 AM
A technically well composed photo. The large water drop being the main focal point is complemented by the smaller water beads creating a very balanced harmony.
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11/13/2003 03:58:29 PM
Very good photo. I think the spider net should not be there.
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11/12/2003 03:15:08 PM
spider webs make for interesting dew pictures - not so sure about the heavy black 'thing' through the frame. The water droplet reflections being out of focus and the at the same time the main point of interest is quite jarring.
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11/11/2003 01:53:50 PM
The large drop with the reflection in it makes this a great photograph.
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11/11/2003 10:55:40 AM
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11/10/2003 10:56:58 PM
I like the photo I just cannot tell what it is or how it relates to the challange. Because I cannot tell what this is "3"
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11/10/2003 09:38:42 PM
wow - all those little beads of water along the web strands, and Ilike the reflectio in the large drop. Good use of shallow DOF 9
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11/10/2003 07:52:10 PM
fantastic photo, i just thought that this picture didn't identify a sacred place.
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11/10/2003 02:11:58 PM
You're missing theme interpretation -- this seems to be more about an object than a place.
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11/10/2003 01:22:06 PM
Image is great - love the reflection. I'm not getting a sense of a place that is "Sacred" though. I guess this is in nature, but without the title, I just don't see it. Still a magnificent image though.
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11/10/2003 03:11:09 AM
The water droplet lines are a great effect here. Nice shot.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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