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Triangles in Form
Triangles in Form

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude IV (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Kodak P880
Date: Jan 28, 2007
Aperture: 1:2.8
ISO: idk preset
Shutter: 1/30s
Date Uploaded: Jan 28, 2007

I did some dodge, cropped, resized, neat image, sharpen, photo contrast overlay, adjusted levels, burned.

Is there a tutorial on airbrushing?? Sounds like a neat processing tool! I seriously have no idea what that comment meant but I am guessing it could have been used to make this even better :) Thank you! You made my day!

For everyone else, I believe my monitor may be a bit off! Thank you for bringing it to my attention! :-) And, thanks for the votes and comments from everyone!

Place: 73 out of 121
Avg (all users): 5.4784
Avg (commenters): 5.7586
Avg (participants): 5.0119
Avg (non-participants): 5.5816
Views since voting: 4678
Views during voting: 1320
Votes: 464
Comments: 38
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/12/2007 12:26:53 AM
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02/10/2007 11:52:42 PM
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

I like the form and isolation on this one, but I'm not terribly fond of the lighting.

Did I say form in my comment, I meant to say I was checking out your tush. :-) I LOVE YOUR HAIR!
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02/08/2007 04:57:55 AM
For everyone else, I believe my monitor may be a bit off! Thank you for bringing it to my attention! :-)

I think you may be right. I noticed it is rather pinkish in Desktop too. I think if you had brought your hands down closer to your nose you would have two more recognizable triangles inside your elbows too.

Nice concept though, and nice form. Gorgeous hair too! I can't believe this shot did not break 6.
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02/07/2007 09:32:30 AM
A great shot and highly under rated IMHO. A lovely model, well posed and imaginatively lit - what more could you ask for?
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/04/2007 09:50:27 PM
great triangles but the light looks a little harsh on her legs
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02/04/2007 09:17:04 PM
I like the form and isolation on this one, but I'm not terribly fond of the lighting.
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02/04/2007 09:13:41 PM
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02/04/2007 05:43:32 PM
Lovely image, I love the triangles. I might have lowered the tips of the thumbs down onto her nose to create two additional obvious triangles in the image. I may have also narrowed the stance to elbow width to get a bit less negative space from the elbows. However the image is quite lovely, and hope it does really really well. Good luck.
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02/03/2007 11:42:37 PM
Great idea ... unfortunate that the arms lean slightly right.
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02/03/2007 01:49:35 PM
a little Rubenesque ...
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02/01/2007 09:45:06 AM
Jojo? Excellent form and symmetry. Lighting is spot on and your hair really completes this image.
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01/31/2007 07:07:31 PM
looks like slightly too much neat image was used ...
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01/31/2007 04:45:26 PM
allthough the photo seems to be fine, there's something that's bothering me. I think it's mostly the pose, it seems a bit unnatural. the lines around her body also look a bit oversharpened, while the rest looks like too much neat image.
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01/31/2007 01:40:53 PM
I like the repeating patterns, but I'm not a fan of the soft look. I can't tell if it's OOF or if you've overly NeatImaged it. The pose is a little off center at the shoulders and head. Great concept and, with a little tweaking, could be a wonderful shot.
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01/31/2007 11:13:19 AM
The light is a little harsh on the rear end, like the symetry.
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01/31/2007 10:18:04 AM
Nice colors.
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01/31/2007 07:23:13 AM
lighting is flat, crop is too tight. skin looks unnatural pinkish. her hair is blurred.
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01/30/2007 11:41:23 PM
Great idea! Love the composition. The models hair works just perfect for this pose. I am left wishing that the lighting were either more even, and/or just a tad more subdued. A nice shot though. Good job!
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01/30/2007 08:40:39 PM
Very nice symmetry! A little bit too much glare on the legs and onto the butt. I like the suggestion of directional light onthe left arm.
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01/30/2007 04:48:43 PM
great comp. the colors seem kinda wierd though. a little too red?
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01/30/2007 12:49:50 PM
Interesting colour.
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01/30/2007 08:48:08 AM
Interesting idea, but really needs better symmetry to pull it off. I realize that getting the model perfectly straight is hard (especially if this is a self-portrait!), but a bit of liquify postprocessing could have fixed it. Also, although the lighting is good, focusing the light on her beautiful hair would've been even better.
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01/30/2007 07:58:57 AM
(I have decided that there are other persons in this challenge that I recognize, and that you deserve consideration just as much. Also, I'm sure everyone pointed out the color cast - I would be happy to share a monitor calibration device... as soon as we get one! lol)

I can't quite tell exactly how many lights you have used, but this dramatic pose is done well, without overpowering the viewer. You have obviously worked very hard on this, to create the hair accents, lighting the tops of your arms, and even correctly capturing the waves of your long shining hair in a beautifully flattering manner.

I have watched your work improve, almost daily, in the short time you have been submitting here and your hard work is easy to see - you've improved very quickly, and you should be proud of yourself!

Great job and, yes, yer butt looks terrific! Congratulations on a picture well done.
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01/30/2007 01:50:13 AM
She looks a little 'pink' on my monitor here. I only calibrated last weekend so hopefully it's still ok! I like the framing though.
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01/29/2007 11:08:34 PM
Airbrushing is very obvious. Not sure I like the pink tone.
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01/29/2007 09:56:24 PM
even before I saw the title, I saw the triangles. Excellent
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01/29/2007 07:00:10 PM
the pose is good. I don't like the colour too pink.
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01/29/2007 06:15:01 PM
The suggestion makes this one
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01/29/2007 05:12:37 PM
I quite like this image. just find it seems a bit over processed and pink I Copied this and converted it to B&W using a gradient map & I think it works much better.
Lighting is OK, maybe a bit flat.
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01/29/2007 02:12:40 PM
I think if her hair were a liiiittle shorter or her head was angled down a little more this image would work a lot for me. THere is one more "triangle" just above the buttocks which is being hidden by the hair... or at least under-represented.
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01/29/2007 12:19:16 PM
I am not sure I like the red coloring on her skin. Beautiful body and hair.
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01/29/2007 11:20:53 AM
unique the only one in the challenge of it's kind...good job!
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01/29/2007 08:02:09 AM
A very different composition almost looks surreal. Great work
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01/29/2007 05:34:15 AM
a bit too pink.
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01/29/2007 04:24:59 AM
well thought out image ? colour? looks odd to me but I'm a Plebe any how9
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01/29/2007 03:26:04 AM
too pink for me
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01/29/2007 01:59:27 AM
Beautiful lines, lighting and composition.
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01/29/2007 01:23:52 AM
the concept, model, and technique are great, the skin tones are a huge negative.
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