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 This image was disqualified from the Good challenge.
use of creativity and lighting to creates a GOOD image of rook visiting million dollars oregon views
use of creativity and lighting to creates a GOOD image of rook visiting million dollars oregon views

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Good (Basic Editing*)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Location: Cannon Beach
Date: Feb 2, 2007
Aperture: f8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/25th
Galleries: Humorous, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Feb 3, 2007

Taken from the Ecola State Park looking south upon Cannon Beach, the classic Oregon coast view; but taken as a spoof of overly used Cannon Beach landscape photography and also as a tribute to our new rising star of the Cellar, Whiterook. I attempted to take the photo and process the photo to emulate Whiterook's unique quality of really bad photography. I was especially inspired by his lowest scoring photo, "Cape Cod Getting Smaller". I shot and entered this photo in hopes of getting the Brown, and bumping Whiterook from his throne of badness for just one week (he's placed last 7 challenges in a row). I thought the 'Good' challenge was a prime opportunity to shoot a really "GOOD" replication of bad photography. In post processing, I bumped up the lightness in the Hue/Sat channels (the lighting part of this GOOD image), slightly rotated the horizon even more to the right (though Whiterook almost always rotates his horizon to the left), and added a crop excess line of the rotation (the creativity part of this "Good" image). The title is a spoof of Whiterooks 2nd brown ribbon, "million dollars views". Hope you enjoy. I'd appreciate a realistic critique of how "good" this bad photo is in accomplishing the goals I was shooting for. Thanks!
Disqualification Details
The use of effects filters (excluding Noise and Gaussian Blur) is not permitted in Basic Editing. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 1092
Comments: 43
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/15/2008 06:13:27 PM
Should have been DQ'd for the title alone. :P Good humor.
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03/07/2007 01:19:09 PM
good grief, David, I had no idea you were on such a whiterook quest... Soldier on, friend!
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02/16/2007 07:39:49 PM
Sorry, I gave you a 10, because it seemed too obvious that you were going for the brownie. I think with a less obvious title, I would have given you the 1 you so obviously deserved. Too bad about the DQ. Better luck next time.

Message edited by author 2007-02-16 19:41:15.
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02/14/2007 01:31:35 PM
Too contrived. You'll never achieve the nadir of the Rook. Contrived is simply not in his style.
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02/14/2007 01:21:59 PM
Thanks for all the comments and the "1" votes! At the time of DQ this photo was scoring a 2.6 and I was happily heading toward another brown ribbon. Oops though. I admitted to adding a blur filter when request came for verification. Forget those pesky basic rules. Whiterook still rules the cellar of DPC!
02/14/2007 12:56:47 AM
Whoops. What effects filter didja use?
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/09/2007 04:12:25 PM
a brown attempt? here, i'll help - 3.
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02/09/2007 04:00:29 PM
Out of focus. :0(
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02/09/2007 11:42:14 AM
Theres no creativity, the lighting is bad, its not a good image, and its not in focus. Poorly done.
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02/09/2007 11:35:43 AM
Um...I don't mean this harshly but did the camera go off accidentally? Poorly exposed, out of focus, tilted and no subject.

Take time to compose your photo's. Don't rush and, by all means, take a good look at them before you submit them.
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02/09/2007 11:18:40 AM
This image needs to be in focus, its hard to tell what the photo is even taken of.
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02/09/2007 12:57:03 AM
this is interesting. not really in a good way.
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02/08/2007 10:56:12 PM
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02/08/2007 09:42:18 PM
Good title, but this is a photography challenge. Soft focus may have a place, but when you can hardly identify the landscape it's excessive.
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02/08/2007 09:00:13 PM
Sorry, but that's a bad image with a bad title.
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02/08/2007 08:25:24 PM
perfect :)
however, you 're gonna be mad cuz I'm giving you a 9, lol (jk) 1
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02/08/2007 07:37:49 PM
Awesome! 10!
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02/08/2007 06:33:39 PM
Another brown wanna-be?
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02/08/2007 10:39:55 AM
Now that's just too deliberate! In the spirit of counter-intuitve process...I'm giving it a 10. No, a 1. No, a 10! Ugggh!!!
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02/08/2007 04:56:50 AM
sorry rookster, that was too easy
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02/07/2007 10:49:39 PM
uhm ....
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02/07/2007 09:52:18 PM
I'm confused....
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02/07/2007 07:40:29 PM
doesn't work for me at all....sorry.
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02/07/2007 07:35:39 PM
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02/07/2007 07:27:35 PM
Croping would help this photo a lot.
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02/07/2007 07:26:15 PM
this joke is getting old and i think this is an imposter. at least whiterook's images are in focus.
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02/07/2007 03:24:20 PM
Not sure what you tried to achieve here.
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02/07/2007 01:33:41 PM
This is outstanding. Is this someone with a lot of blue ribbons going for a smelly brown? Let me count the ways this should be a 10: exceptional creativity with cropping; excellent use of blown whites to symbolize blowing a wad of cash on property here; outstanding subliminal brown chess pieces rising from the sea of white rookness. I could go on, but am left in too much of a state of rapture created by this photo.

Just kidding. This sucks ass. 1.
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02/07/2007 01:08:45 PM
I don't think it is nice to poke fun at rook. No vote
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02/07/2007 01:04:16 PM
LOL ... but whiterook has all of his photos tilting to the LEFT!!
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02/07/2007 12:46:19 PM
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02/07/2007 11:30:52 AM
Hmm. So many thoughts. Is this really Whiterook's? Probably not. Is it a spoof or a tribute to him? Probably a tribute.

However, if you're going for the brown ribbon, it would help to not be quite so obvious about it.From the poorly done rotation to the blur to the badly worded title, it's just too much. If this was a sincere entry, though, then you now have a list of a few things that are wrong. :)
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02/07/2007 10:20:09 AM
i dont get it sorry
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02/07/2007 10:07:07 AM
Okay, what are you talking?

This is a joke right? Sorry, I don't get it.
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02/07/2007 06:59:51 AM
this is really out of focus, and I can't tell for sure but I think that it's crooked--the white areas on the top left, bottom left and bottom right corners that aren't photo? maybe next time try to rotate it so it's straight in the box and get a little bit better focus. just trying to be helpful, i'm not too good at it since I'm new, sorry
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02/07/2007 03:32:31 AM
So bad it's GOOD!!
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02/07/2007 03:15:57 AM
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02/07/2007 03:11:30 AM
I tripod would help with the shaked picture. Straighten the horizont and a less exposure would help here. I dont know what the idea behind the rotation is.
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02/07/2007 03:09:20 AM
focus. I don't really see the artistic advantage to bluring the whole thing.

Rotation. Almost looks like you rotated it the wrong way and forgot to crop
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02/07/2007 02:42:43 AM
Great attempt at the brown. You have tough competition though.
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02/07/2007 01:43:32 AM
Don't believe this is a genuine 'rook' - I smell a fraud!
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02/07/2007 12:40:08 AM
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02/07/2007 12:11:23 AM
very good
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