ok, after getting comments, trying to fix the origional, and being absolutely disgusted with the picture myself, i have come to two conclusions. the first one is that this was my worst picture yet and it should be scrapped. the second conclusion i came to, is that if i had to do it over again, and i probably will someday, i'll add more light, add a black backdrop, and do very different things in my editing process. the lights would at least either have to come from both sides, or be stronger and wider. having the black backdrop would allow me to experiment with colors and spotlighting. (textured walls seem to get every color of the rainbow inside pics, which isn't good if you want to turn up or down the saturation of certain colors). also, the editing would be done in Adobe Photoshop, giving me more options for black and white, sepia, noise, and last, but definitely not least, sharpness. well, that's all i have to say about this piece of trash. sorry if it burned your eyes! ;p
Message edited by author 2007-04-08 00:38:58. |