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Day 22
Day 22

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Collection: Where I Live
Date Uploaded: Feb 22, 2007

Viewed: 400
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

There are a lot of churches in Canton, and in haywood county in general. On one route to my church, i pass 5 others. On the "bad weather" route, I pass 10 others.

This church is barely outside the town, but because canton is so rural, the rest of it is too. if that makes sense.

So, why did I choose this one? Have you ever heard of snake handling churches? I think they are more predominant in rural TN and KY than NC, but we have had a couple. This building used to house one.

The preacher owned a bait shop, and we sold him our nightcrawlers. NC doesn't look kindly upon strychnine drinking, rattlesnake toting preachers, and he was forced across the state line into Greeneville, TN. There he preached until he got bit and died.

Post processing, which I normally don't include, but I really like the blue sky 0 0 0
cropped (I was taking this out of my car window so the angle was kinda funky) and rotated a touch.

Then, I darkened it with a brightness/contrast level, and it made the blue just pop. Then a touch more contrast to give the steeple a bit more detail.

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04/07/2007 10:53:48 PM
Very nice angular form. I really enjoy strong geometry in architecture shots.
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03/02/2007 10:32:02 PM
great contrast btwn the steeple and the rich blue sky.

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02/24/2007 03:16:45 PM
nice shot of the steple i like the contrast between the sky and the white of the steple
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02/24/2007 03:38:01 AM
I really like the blue sky, too; I have no idea what blue sky 0 0 0 means (the techniques and the language here sometimes baffle me completely; but so does life in general, I guess). I love the shot, it's very striking, and I love the story, which is also striking (snakes, striking . . . get it? Sorry, bad, I know).
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02/23/2007 08:34:22 PM
Beautiful blue sky, great processing to get this!
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02/23/2007 12:34:35 PM
Beautiful- I like the graduated blues of the sky, great contrast with the steeple. Funny history !
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02/23/2007 12:25:34 PM
I saw a documentary on snake handling churches, found it a bit odd, but hey, what do I know? This is a gorgeous picture, the blue is stunning, really beautiful.
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02/23/2007 12:17:29 PM
Beautiful white against blue, very nice composition.
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02/23/2007 11:10:19 AM
I've never heard of what you talk about.
I don't believe you!

Only joking :-)
It sounds very interesting.

I wish I had interesting stories to go with my pictures.
Maybe I should make some up?


P.S that's a purty picture.
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02/23/2007 07:50:54 AM
I've never understood that preaching/snake thing, but I think it's cool that there are so many churches in Canton. If you ask me, you can't have too many. . . .especially if they are all filled up during services :)

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02/22/2007 10:38:42 PM
Nice deep blue sky and I like the stmetry of the base. Well done!!!
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02/22/2007 09:46:23 PM
Oh no....you don't just throw this gleaming spire thrusting skyward into the azure reaches and not tell us about it. Cough the details, girl!
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