This is an example of a title meaning so much to a photo. Because of the title, I think she is blind, yet she is looking right at me. It reminds me that the model can never see the viewer, it is always a pretense of sight, a pretense of connection. It also reminds me that this sort of "looking" is not about seeing, but rather presenting oneself, "facing" oneself to another self. this sort of "looking" is really just a way of saying "here I am." And when I know she is blind, that she cannot see me and yet looks so straight and steadfast in my direction, one word comes to mind: Fearless. Yes, this does everything a portrait can hope to do. It presents to us a soul, a living entity, a person and a persona and a personality. I haven't decided if I like the off-center composition. I'm not sure what it adds, but it doesn't detract, either. I hope it's not done just as a DPC way of doing things. 10 |