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 This image was disqualified from the Red II challenge.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Red II (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM for Canon
Date: Mar 2, 2007
Date Uploaded: Mar 2, 2007

Disqualification Details
You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.

Views since voting: 1020
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/11/2007 11:58:13 PM
Funny! My Line of Reasoning, too! :}
03/11/2007 11:19:23 PM
LOL, are you kidding me? This is actually really funny even though it's gonna get hammered.
03/11/2007 11:08:31 PM
Simple but I think you are going to take a beating on this pic from a score perspective. There is no subject in this photo.
03/10/2007 10:34:54 PM
too litteral
03/10/2007 11:02:09 AM
get real
03/10/2007 03:06:45 AM
Very Funny. Can't say DNMC, but you are missing the rule of thirds
03/10/2007 01:33:13 AM
Good imagination! Wow!
03/09/2007 09:04:42 PM
Its zoomed in a little too tight! ;)
03/09/2007 08:31:14 PM
Not very creative!
03/09/2007 07:41:55 PM
I believe this is an unfair concept for this challenge.
03/09/2007 06:13:45 PM
its just red not picture.
03/09/2007 09:21:19 AM
you clever little devil (devils are red too)
03/08/2007 11:47:37 AM
Ok.......you know......I have to say that I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! I'm really laughing here. Do you know how many times I've been ticked at my scores after having gone to a LOT of work and effort and thought and time to take a shot, only to have it marked at a 3 or a 4??? And, THIS type of thing is what I had thought of doing! BRAVO!!!!!!!! I'm clapping here for your nerve in doing it! 10 from me just simply for your courage and the statement you're making!!! I can't wait to find out who you are! Unless....you want to let me know. *smile, wink*
03/08/2007 06:46:51 AM
for me, the composition doesnt work. good luck! :o)
03/07/2007 11:01:08 PM
At least no one can say it DNMC.
03/07/2007 10:45:56 PM
sooooooooo creative.. lol.. But, it looks kinda orange. :-)
03/07/2007 10:43:50 PM
This is just a little too literal for me. Of course what do I know? It IS the only entry I have commented on so far. Still, a 3, I think. . .
03/07/2007 08:26:40 PM
The highlights are blown out here. I can't see any details in the foreground. The chipmunk in the left tree is cute but I wonder why you cropped his tail. Your horizon is also quite skewed.

That aside this is also quite blurry. I would recommend using a tripod and/or turning up the ISO and using a faster shutterspeed.

This certainly meets the challenge.
03/07/2007 07:59:37 PM
Red, yes, but as with another photo in this challenge, there is a lack of detail that I find uninspiring. And the lighting is flat.
03/07/2007 06:18:04 PM
This is not a photography. This website is called DPC, Digital Photograhpychallenge.
03/07/2007 06:14:16 PM
Can't say you didn't meet the challenge! Although it's not the most "wow" shot I've seen, very minimal.
03/07/2007 05:44:05 PM
Has a slight orange tone to me
03/07/2007 05:18:45 PM
i voted according to the amount of thot and time this took
03/07/2007 03:41:10 PM
It is what it is!!!!! cool
03/07/2007 02:28:44 PM
Congratulations for the provocations
03/07/2007 01:02:18 PM
i like it, but i've got a feeling you're being hammered for it good job thinking out of ladies with scarves and staring eyes ;)
03/07/2007 12:49:34 PM
Umm... well... it is red.
03/07/2007 10:29:07 AM
03/07/2007 10:27:56 AM
might do good in the turner prize, but here it is hardly a photo...
03/07/2007 09:58:55 AM
Very creative and humorous. although, i'm afraid dpc users don't go for that stuff. i already tried.
03/07/2007 09:13:09 AM
no comment!!!
03/07/2007 08:46:33 AM
Well... I dont see the red! ... oh yes I see it now... ;-))) quite daring...
03/07/2007 08:20:35 AM
nice try next time take the cup of the lens (I have not been here very long but it seems to me that a lot of people here don't have any sence of humer
I'll give U 10
03/07/2007 02:17:01 AM
This is simply unacceptable

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