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Sniff this and call me in the morning : Aromatherapy
Sniff this and call me in the morning : Aromatherapy

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Alternative Medicine (Basic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Date: Mar 5, 2007
Galleries: Humorous, Children
Date Uploaded: Mar 5, 2007

I had entered into red with an image that was technically sound but I had no connection to. I took a handful of pics trying to get Rowan to be sniffing this flower daintily. But she preferred swinging it around like a sword at me. I didn't plan on editing any up cause I figured there were garbage. But then for some reason this title came to mind and in it went. Made me laugh. I dont expect a high score - might not even be a 5 - but I like it. Yes the flower is blurry, yes its covering half her face, yes its a kid shot. Deal with it. ;)

Outtakes -

And as a side note - my Red image is doing gangbusters at two other photo websites. It was hard fighting the "them" in me but if you are reading this then I did succeed. Bring on the brown!

And thanks to Team Suck for selecting this for the coveted Oobie Award!

Place: 91 out of 131
Avg (all users): 4.8473
Avg (commenters): 4.7368
Avg (participants): 4.5918
Avg (non-participants): 4.9061
Views since voting: 1241
Views during voting: 366
Votes: 262
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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03/22/2007 06:42:02 PM
if a very good photographer doesn't get a 4 every once in a while, he isn't really following his muse. bravo :) congrats on your oobie.
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03/21/2007 05:48:34 PM
Ha! I think it's an adorable shot. :)
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03/14/2007 07:52:29 PM
I am thrilled that you are going out of the box, timfy! Unfortunately, I only gave you a 6, because I didn't like the offcenter composition with black background, created a big dead space imho. But otherwise this is a terrific exciting shot!
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03/14/2007 08:00:27 AM
I quite like this one and am rather proud of you for submitting something that's "out of the box" for you - I figure you were pretty sure this wouldn't be a mid to high 6. Very creative, very well executed, and that ring light does magical things with eyes!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/12/2007 06:07:48 PM
i see where this would be really interesting, but its hard for me to see past the flower.
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03/12/2007 02:15:05 PM
I feel like if the flower is going to come into my face...it should be in focus. I wasn't sure, at first, that it was a flower until I read your title.
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03/12/2007 11:27:38 AM
This is a good picture. I like it very much. Good Job!
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03/11/2007 09:19:41 PM
cute idea, but the blurry flower in the face just doesn't work for me...
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03/11/2007 06:18:43 PM
That is such a charming picture! I like how you chose your focus even if the DOF is quite short, it works really well. It's really the "in your face" thing that children often do.
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03/11/2007 02:39:36 PM
I really like this concept, it is fun. However, there are a few things that really distract me. For one, the flower, it seems very smudged/blurred blown out in my opinion. Very distracting and being a large part of the image, it really brings it down. Second, would be the colour on the kiddo. The darker areas look really dirty and flat. It appears the highlight areas like his cheek look really nice but the rest is icky. Also, the catchlight in his eye is really distracting as well.
I would really like to see this without the blur on the flower and more even lighting.
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03/10/2007 12:32:59 PM
maybe if the flower was not so oof...
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03/10/2007 08:30:12 AM
Shouldn't the focus be on the flower with the kid a bit out of field? Can't get into this one.
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03/10/2007 12:45:47 AM
It might just be me, but considering the theme of the shot, I'm thinking it might be a stronger photo if the focus were switched, the flower in focus and the person blurred. I like the negative space to the right, but I think the composition would be stronger if the flower (especially since it is already cut off on the edge) were lowered so it was full in the corner.
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03/08/2007 02:01:30 AM
i forgive you the kitschy border
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03/07/2007 11:34:39 PM
Interesting composition.
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03/07/2007 01:45:31 PM
Nice idea, but if you are going to focus on the child, i think the flower should cover less of the face, maybe move your subject to the right to fill in a little more of the dead space. Or even try focusing on the flower and having a little less DOF. Other than that good shot!
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03/07/2007 01:36:37 PM
The flower is distracting out of focus
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03/07/2007 12:27:32 PM
sniff "this"..."aromatherapy"...both words suggest that the flower is the main subject, not the adorable cute kid. Hence, i think the choice of dof is incorrect. Also why would such a young kid suggest aromatherapy to someone?
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03/07/2007 11:14:16 AM
cute title. what would it have looked like if the flower was in focus and the child was not?
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03/07/2007 10:23:05 AM
Cute idea
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03/07/2007 07:29:08 AM
If you saw this pic in a postcard stand in the street would you even think about Alternative Medicine?
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03/07/2007 02:21:41 AM
Sweet! This will cure anything!
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03/07/2007 12:56:39 AM
I would have loved to see more of the babies face or have the flower in focus because this is a beautiful shot but having the big blurry thing in the side really throws it off.
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03/07/2007 12:38:01 AM
her face looks really pink, but maybe is naturally. her blue eye is great! i prefer images that meet the challenge w/o a title explaining such. don't know if i would have figured it out or not.
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