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Will You Marry Me?
Will You Marry Me?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Surprise! (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix A303
Location: indoors
Date: Nov 21, 2003
Date Uploaded: Nov 21, 2003


Place: 43 out of 57
Avg (all users): 4.8633
Avg (commenters): 4.4545
Avg (participants): 4.3333
Avg (non-participants): 5.0928
Views since voting: 801
Votes: 139
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/29/2003 12:20:10 AM
That is one big rock in the drink! I like the idea, been a part of it before myself, helping a boyfriend surprise a friend of mine, LOL

The hand is too bright and the glass looks like it has finger prints on it. The light off the stone in the glass is also a bit blown out. A 5
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11/27/2003 12:28:25 PM
Too contrasty. Hand in particular needs more tonal range. Also, for a closeup like this, the glass really needs to be sparkling clean. But I like the composition and idea! 5
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11/27/2003 10:46:09 AM
A nice B&W photo:) what I imight have tried to do would have been to have kept the flash down a bit by reflecting or difusing it. I have used a white sheet of paper when I had to use a built in flash. I would hold it about three inches in front of flash. Hope this helps:)
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11/26/2003 03:44:06 PM
Oh no. Using water instead of champagne really takes a lot away from this photograph. The bubbles running up through the ring would have looked stunning.
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11/26/2003 01:19:32 AM
A nice surprise for a lucky lady
Image looks a bit on the bright side
Great Idea
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11/25/2003 06:33:56 PM
The lighting is too harsh.
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11/25/2003 11:10:44 AM
your flash zapped the shot. Nice interpretation though.
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11/24/2003 06:21:01 PM
Neat idea - the ing is in the glass, I like how it has tilted in her hand as if she is just noticing. The lighting is almost completely blown out on the hand - we can;t see any details..and the light is glaring off the fingerprints on the glass. It is a good idea and a nice composition, but need better preparation befoer shooting.
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11/24/2003 05:57:54 PM
Nice idea and I like hte composition but I feel it's a little overexposed
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11/24/2003 05:09:19 PM
Good composition and good idea. The light is way to harsh and it just fries the hand. The glass has visible finger prints and they are a distraction. Your focus is nice and the idea was a good one.
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11/24/2003 03:51:24 PM
Appears to be over-exposed, causing blown out spots. Idea is a good one.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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