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Longing to hear our song
Longing to hear our song

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2007-03 (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Date: Mar 10, 2007
Date Uploaded: Mar 10, 2007


Place: 447 out of 561
Avg (all users): 5.0903
Avg (commenters): 5.5000
Avg (participants): 5.0202
Avg (non-participants): 5.2444
Views since voting: 751
Views during voting: 369
Votes: 144
Comments: 6
Favorites: 1 (view)

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04/14/2007 12:14:59 PM
I really liked this shot when I saw it, and actually saved it to one of my favorites. I really like the creativity you used and I will hope to try to duplicate it in some manner in some future shoots. Sure, I think some things could have been done differently to make it stronger, but this is primarily a learning process. Just to let you know I gave you a 7 initially. I rarely give out a 7, and almost never an 8. The highest I have ever given is a 9, and I think that was once or maybe twice. So don't let your low score get you down, and keep those creative juices flowing!!

Message edited by author 2007-04-14 12:15:37.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/05/2007 09:52:35 PM
Fun idea and nice composition. I would have liked to seen this with a solid white background and a little more light on the guitar and legs. Not sure about the gray part of the border either.
04/05/2007 01:46:41 PM
Good concept (kicking up our heels?) and very sexy picture. Without any facial identification I'm taking this picture to apply to womanhood/feminism on the whole. I'm not sure B&W is appropiate as I think color, and possibly red shoes would make a more effective statement. To me, there seems to be a balance issue in this image. Most of the light is directed at the feet/legs, which it should be, but that leaves the other elements in the picture kind of dark, especially the guitar, which, imo, should be lighter. Also, compositionally it is heavily weighted to the right. The dark border and darker left side adds more solemnity, and a feeling of constriction, imo. Is this what you had in mind? I think what you were intending with this image was more a feeling of freedom and celebration of womanhood. Am I wrong? Finally, I have mixed feelings about the positioning of the guitar. I like how it's neck continues the rhythm of the legs, but I would also like to see the guitar body emphasize the curve of her right thigh more. Perhaps some added light there and slight adjustment of the positioning of the guitar would help. Hope you found my comments helpful and not too wordy :).
04/03/2007 05:32:10 PM
Right then, joke's on me as I now have to plough through 564 images and bump them all (yes, all of them) up. There'll be a third run through for fine tuning. It's day two three now and I'm running late, sorry.

'Hear', huh? Effective shot, pity about the size... 7
04/03/2007 12:43:18 PM
I love this pose! Really nice shot. I do wish it was lit differently. It seems a little dark and there's this burst of harsh light on the wall behind her leg. I would go back and work on it because this is a great idea.
04/02/2007 11:21:37 AM
The shadow on the wall is a bit distracting.

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