You should propose this photo to the company... it's realy nice...
Thank you! A very insightful individual!That is the main reason I used this photo! It didn't meet the challenge very prettily "like Cinderella's ugly step-sinister's," :} but it did meet the challenge in my mind because when I took the photo, I remembered the challenge as "Circles," not "Circle (without the "S".)
SOL! LOL! ART ROFLMAO! (What a great name!) Dude, You are a funny guy! :)
I like the interesting angle and perspective on the car, and the colors and contrast are good. I don't understand the signifigance of the people in the background. Are they the car owners? Are they meant to be in the shot, or were they just people standing around watching you.
i'm thinking of cinderella and the ugly sisters; no matter of shoe horning is going to make this fit the challenge. the car is a wonderful yellow, and it does have circular features; it seems a lost opportunity not to capture a close-up of one of them and fill the rest of the frame with the yellow. forgetting the challenge, it's a cute picture of a cute car; the distortion in the perspective positively enhances the cars cheeky character thereby giving it personality. the background is a bit plain and nondescript, and the (what appear to be) midgets over the left wing are a bit odd - like parents beaming at their especially large and fat baby.
A Weighted Scoring System ΓΆ„ΒΆ; composition + technical 1.5/3, challenge 0.25/1, post processing results 1/2, ooooh factor 1.5/3, originality 0.5/1 = 4.75 (rounded to 5)