Kelli, I have to agree with the gist of the people who commented during the challenge, but wow - 1s from each of them seems very low. I voted this a 5.
I like your crop, I like the closeup of his face, and I like how one eye appears behind a bubble.
I had two issues: lighting and the background. It's quite dark without it seeming like you wanted a dark shot. I mean, bubbles and kids are usually a light, bright, fun subject, not dark and brooding. I suggest trying it maybe a foot from a very bright lamp. I'm regularly amazed at how dim artificial lighting is; it doesn't look that way to my eyes, but it does to my camera.
The background behind the bubbles looks like a TV, which adds to the feeling of a quick snapshot as opposed to a carefully composed contest entry. That is, it's a nice memory-keeper photo, but not something that's going to score highly. In the future (if you care), think as hard about the background as you do the rest of the shot. You might try it again with a simply colored background that will add some interest and make the bubbles stand out. I use posterboard of various colors.
One more thing: watch out for those very wide-open apertures. In this case, his ear and shirt end up blurry because the DOF is so narrow.
I encourage you to explore bubbles some more. I've seen some pretty cool shots. |