Author | Thread |
07/27/2007 11:20:35 AM |
Kind of a "brutal" sense of humour. :-)) The emotion you caught is priceless. You made an excellent job in my opinion!
Best wishes,
McNolia |
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03/22/2007 09:16:39 PM |
Snilld.... FÃÂnir àkjólum drengirnir...Congrats :o) |
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03/22/2007 02:58:22 PM |
I was hoping this would win! The looks on their faces were priceless! The guy in the middle reminds me of Jared Leto....w00h00! :)
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03/21/2007 10:23:16 PM |
It was certainly my favorite. I love this because it seems to be more innocent, and harmless, and funny.
Some of the others just irritated me, and quite frankly made me want to vomit. No offense to any of the others, the challenge was difficult in that manner, and I made my mistakes just the same @ 47%.
The way you coordinated, executed, and held the grace is awesome. Something of creativiy for sure it shows amazing artistic abilities, and awesome talent. |
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03/21/2007 06:28:10 PM |
great job buddy. very nice, hilarious stuff hah |
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03/21/2007 05:11:01 PM |
Congratulations on the Blue with this Very Cool shot! Very Cool!!! |
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03/21/2007 04:41:34 PM |
Hey Larus, this is awesome. |
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03/21/2007 02:02:26 PM |
"Light sucks", "out of focus", "only good for the web", "doubt it will do better", "on a break", blah blah blah blah blah blah blue! :)))
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03/21/2007 01:45:19 PM |
I love that velvet dress, Larus. It's very sexy. ;-) Congrats on your blue. |
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03/21/2007 11:22:47 AM |
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03/21/2007 11:22:11 AM |
Great work and idea. And I love the way you explained how you managed to get this wonderful shot. |
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03/21/2007 10:22:12 AM |
Dang, Larus, I could've been there to serve you guys beer after La-Z-Boy afternoon! |
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03/21/2007 10:21:08 AM |
good job........... :)
its a great shot. |
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03/21/2007 10:13:19 AM |
they look sexy hot ... lol |
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03/21/2007 10:02:06 AM |
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03/21/2007 09:23:09 AM |
Man, your throw aways even win ribbons. LOL Congrats. This is just a hoot. |
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03/21/2007 08:55:27 AM |
Makin' good use of the 24/1.4 again I see! |
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03/21/2007 08:51:30 AM |
Hilarious capture. Coongratulations! |
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03/21/2007 07:18:57 AM |
I love it Lárus.
Þú þarft endilega að gefa Samtökunum 78 aðgang, ég ætla að minnsta kosti að benda þeim á slóðina. |
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03/21/2007 05:49:19 AM |
Worthy winner Larus...awesome |
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03/21/2007 05:03:24 AM |
Ég verð að segja að fátt hefur komið jafn mikið á óvart og þessi mynd, til hamingju með þetta kall, ótrúlegur árangur, það er eins og það sé alveg sama hvað þér gengur illa og hefur litla trú á sjálfum þér, þá skorar allt vel hérna hjá þér. Þú ert með þetta allt á tæru !
En nú er stóra spurningin, komumst við áfram àwpl út á þessa snilld ? |
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03/21/2007 04:26:25 AM |
Hey woohoo, congrats Larus! ;) |
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03/21/2007 04:20:42 AM |
I thought this photo was so hilarious!! well deserved ribbon! |
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03/21/2007 03:45:40 AM |
Congrats man, this is awesome! |
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03/21/2007 02:01:33 AM |
i absolutely love the lighting on this one... a total stand-out. congratulations!!! |
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03/21/2007 01:29:47 AM |
yeah yeah, you must get tired of winning ribbons :)
funny shot. |
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03/21/2007 01:24:44 AM |
The best of the bunch as usual, congratulations! Þessi er nú fyndin Lárus, vonandi hafa þeir félagar gaman af þvàað myndin vann keppnina :) |
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03/21/2007 12:55:28 AM |
congrats on your ANOTHER Blue dude.. we get to share top slot together for 1 week... my dream come true |
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03/21/2007 12:41:34 AM |
Priceless! Love the backstory, too. Congrats, well deserved. kistover, I'm still laughing.
Message edited by author 2007-03-21 00:41:57. |
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03/21/2007 12:39:00 AM |
Congratulations.... well done Larus! You've certainly put a lot of work into this and deservedly are the winner. |
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03/21/2007 12:13:14 AM |
I showed this to a friend, who said "Don't mess with those guys. They'll shove that bouquet so far down your face you'll fart pollen. " |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
03/20/2007 10:48:49 PM |
Priceless! My favorite in the challenge - 10. |
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03/20/2007 05:37:40 PM |
My first time voting for a DPC challenge (thought I'd start with a challenge that had fewer entries) and I'm casting my first vote for you! I don't have a good sense yet of what the numbers mean, but this is perhaps my favorite in the challenge so I'll give it a high number.
I love the ambiguity in this photo. The guys are clearly masculine and their looks are fierce and natural. It feels unposed, though I assume they dressed for the photo and this is not their usual garb.
The skin tones look great against all the black, and there is a sepia-like quality that is not forced.
Enough blathering, I'd better learn to shorten my comments. Best of luck!
-- Larry in NYC ("citymars") |
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03/19/2007 04:49:30 PM |
Ha! This made me laugh :-) I love their expressions! |
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03/19/2007 03:48:47 PM |
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03/19/2007 12:26:44 AM |
Ahaha, oh dear god. This is hilarious. I love the tough guy expressions ever so well complemented with the coctail dresses. |
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03/18/2007 10:08:17 PM |
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03/18/2007 01:21:55 PM |
Just hilarious! They look like they are so into it! Bet it was fun shooting for this one. |
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03/18/2007 03:29:57 AM |
alright, this is just great. |
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03/17/2007 09:43:52 PM |
All girls need that little black dress! Great shot! 10 |
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03/17/2007 09:05:36 PM |
03/17/2007 07:15:48 PM |
that is hilarious. I wish the dresses didn't get lost in the background. but priceless performances from your models. 7 |
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03/17/2007 05:40:27 AM |
Lots of men dressed as women in this challenge, but this is a standout for me. Love the flowers being pointed. Great shot |
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03/17/2007 01:49:00 AM |
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03/17/2007 12:00:02 AM |
Well done - great treatment & direction! -- 9 -- |
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03/16/2007 07:47:22 PM |
great expressions and mannerisms |
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03/16/2007 07:40:23 PM |
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03/16/2007 07:33:50 PM |
The attitude, this rocks. :) |
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03/16/2007 05:15:10 PM |
This is AWESOME!! The guy in the middle cracks me up! :) I had to come back and give this a 10! |
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03/16/2007 01:02:24 PM |
this is very good...tones are great, composition and expressions are excellent. |
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03/15/2007 10:55:25 PM |
I really like the clarity in this photo. Its very technically sound. The tones, mood, and impressions are fantastic. The background seems off-balance, and a little distracting, but not to the extent of subtracting a point. Matter of fact, I'm here to bump up. Very nice. GL. |
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03/15/2007 09:37:27 PM |
Great expressions! Too bad about the shoes. |
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03/15/2007 07:07:31 PM |
Outstanding! The facial expressions are just priceless. (10) |
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03/15/2007 06:25:13 PM |
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03/15/2007 04:57:13 PM |
Too much contrast, but very good image |
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03/15/2007 12:45:27 PM |
I love the tones in this pic... |
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03/15/2007 10:44:29 AM |
Love the Smirnoff Ice, it's like not breaking character. |
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03/15/2007 12:51:20 AM |
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03/15/2007 12:43:43 AM |
this is just beyond surreal! awesome capture! |
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03/14/2007 11:56:29 PM |
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03/14/2007 11:51:01 PM |
You're killin me...this is hilarious! |
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03/14/2007 09:42:16 PM |
And, women would be self-conscious in these dresses, but men would continue drinking! *grin* Love the shot! Great color, clarity and perspective. |
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03/14/2007 09:35:15 PM |
How CUTE! These 3 need lots of extra kudos for great sportsmanship :) Next round should definitely be on the photograher :) 10 |
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03/14/2007 09:13:27 PM |
I don't know how much you had to pay these guys, but it was worth every penny. ;) 9 from me. |
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03/14/2007 09:08:18 PM |
great shot great location, DOF colour and tone and great composistion and expressions = 9 good luck |
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03/14/2007 07:08:54 PM |
Reminds me of the Dane Cook look, "hey what the hell"???? |
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03/14/2007 04:24:41 PM |
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03/14/2007 03:55:05 PM |
Nice shot and love the premise, but would have like to see a bit more contrast between the clothing and the bar. It's hard to see what they are wearing. |
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03/14/2007 03:23:55 PM |
Nicely done! I hope they are friends of yours, otherwise it looks like they'd like to kick your butt! LOL |
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03/14/2007 03:18:03 PM |
very nice of your models to pose for dresses. i like it! |
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03/14/2007 01:23:17 PM |
LOL, this is great for the simple fact that they all look SO serious!! Great setup, colors are really nice too! |
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03/14/2007 12:30:33 PM |
wow! I think you nailed this shot. compostion is great, focus is good, light direction is nice. I love the expression. your loseing detail in the blacks on the left and the bottom right though. and the color of their skin seems off. other then that I love it. good job, 9! |
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03/14/2007 12:20:45 PM |
03/14/2007 11:33:05 AM |
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03/14/2007 11:27:19 AM |
So far, this is my favorite! VERY funny and creative. |
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03/14/2007 10:43:21 AM |
this is my favorite so far! Awesome set up and I love their expressions. |
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03/14/2007 10:00:17 AM |
The girl on the left is hot! Ha-ha...Excellent job = 10 |
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03/14/2007 09:17:52 AM |
love the looks on their faces, also like the lighting you managed. |
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03/14/2007 08:53:26 AM |
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03/14/2007 08:17:46 AM |
Where can I find this bar, with so many hot chicks? |
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03/14/2007 07:35:55 AM |
and they all look great at 2AM |
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03/14/2007 07:17:53 AM |
What a great shot. Exposure was great, detail is great, faces are great. This is just over the top. 10 |
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03/14/2007 06:51:42 AM |
AHAHAHA! The goof troop is baaaaack! Hilarious! |
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03/14/2007 05:55:03 AM |
Oh sweetheart...a can I resist??? Hahahahaha!! |
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03/14/2007 05:40:54 AM |
I like it. Nice idea, great looking girls, loverly lighting. |
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03/14/2007 05:31:11 AM |
Nice colouring - specially with that red sock hanging out. The guys have faces that read attitude all over! Well snapped. |
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03/14/2007 03:26:50 AM |
Not one, but three you've got to pay back big time! |
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03/14/2007 01:42:39 AM |
Great setup and focus! I love the expressions. I have to admit, the red sock does grab my attention just a bit too much compared to all of the other tones of the picture (though I like the green of the flower). Overall, very nice shot.. it makes me laugh. |
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03/14/2007 01:23:04 AM |
Mmm, I like the colours and tone :) |
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03/14/2007 12:57:43 AM |
Oh this is awesome. My favorite so far. |
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03/14/2007 12:50:05 AM |
That is flippin' hilarious. Love it. HA HA HA HA You are cracking me up. Great clarity and tone. Way to go. |
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03/14/2007 12:48:16 AM |
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03/14/2007 12:16:08 AM |
Excellent a winner in my book..... |
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03/14/2007 12:14:31 AM |
how DID you get three guys in black dress's!?! I love it. The lighting, location and expressions! |
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03/14/2007 12:12:26 AM |
Perfect 10 for me |
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03/14/2007 12:11:10 AM |
That's what im talkin' about! Excellent!! |
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