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Challenge: Scents and Aromas (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-730UZ
Date: Nov 24, 2003
Aperture: F3.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/15
Date Uploaded: Nov 24, 2003


Place: 114 out of 188
Avg (all users): 5.0172
Avg (commenters): 5.7500
Avg (participants): 4.7660
Avg (non-participants): 5.1871
Views since voting: 840
Votes: 233
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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12/03/2003 07:53:55 AM
I love your humour. Someone must have been disturbed by this.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/02/2003 10:05:18 PM
Umm your Xmas tree is burning!!! :)
12/02/2003 09:34:52 PM
If this was a sound challenge I would definitely say I could hear the smoke alarm go off! Nice shot.
11/30/2003 02:32:38 PM
I do love the smell of pine burning, but this looks accidental - yikes! I'd rather see pine bows all golden in the fireplace. The green of the pine is a nice brightcolor. I don't know where the funny pink cast to the cadle and smoke comes from.
11/30/2003 11:19:17 AM
I don't know how festive that smell would be welcomed at Christmas time, but I like the orginality...
11/30/2003 12:01:33 AM
do you mean to be burning down the Christmas tree! I do not understand the candle color, is it duo toned? A solid red would have been best to compliment the green .I just to don't get it....nice idea for this challenge but it needs some changes.
11/28/2003 12:50:09 AM
I like this. Could you do it again with a bright red candle? I think the paler one has been burnt out a little.
11/27/2003 09:48:26 PM
Are you sure it's a good idea to put a candle that close to the tree? :-) Hope your house didn't burn. Good work.
11/27/2003 09:23:50 PM
I wonder if a different angle would have helped to add drama, and I think it would have helped had your lighting been more subtle so as to create the illusion the only light is the candle
11/27/2003 08:34:53 PM
The colors are nice and strong. And you have made me experience the smell of pine. It makes me nervous because the pine looks like it's right over the candle and, well, have you ever had a relative lose their house because the Christmas tree caught on fire?
11/27/2003 04:31:21 PM
That's my kind of mishap! (I accidentally put Olbas Oil in an eye last Thursday instead of eye drops and I broke my toe on Sunday)
I like the fact that the image makes me wonder what happens: Do the owners catch the mishap and put it out in time? Does their tree go up in flames? Does hte entire house burn down? How do they fare? Are they OK?
An interesting image!
11/27/2003 12:49:09 PM
11/27/2003 11:23:44 AM
Hope you had a cup of water handy..............
11/26/2003 05:28:06 PM
Great concept, focus, light, etc.. 10
11/26/2003 04:58:22 PM
Neat idea, candle is a bit bright, not the flame. I'd cut off the top of the green on the right since it's a tiny bit distracting. The smoke is really nice.
11/26/2003 03:27:43 PM
Good exposure and capture of the scent/smoke. ;) M.
11/26/2003 12:22:09 PM
The fir tree branch and black background make the shot.
11/26/2003 06:42:45 AM
You captured the smell of that fresh Christmas tree with the feel of the holidays. Slightly too centered for my taste but good overall. 7

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