Greetings from the CC, the color in your shot are really great, certainly IMO the highpoint. Matched by the intense look in your subjects eye, the focus and concentration are superb, I am curious if he is posed or naturally captured here. The composition is very well done, creating a diagonal from bottom right (with leg) to upper left (with arm). The sharpness is certainly present, even though 'softened'.
I suspect if this shot was in a bocce ball magazine challenge it would win the ribbon. I think the subject does not necessarily convey 'softness', being a sort of burly dude : ), I do not tend to rate shots on topicality and while this one has been, softened, the feel of his activity is not soft really. I think this is a very well done shot and my criticism is minimal in that it is very well done. Keep up the good work, you seem to have a good grasp of the technical aspects of photography as well as an ability to capture some emotion. |