Greetings from the Critique Club.
Great capture! Whether the subject fits the challenge or not is open to discussion, and depends on different people's interpretations of the challenge. I'd say it does, as the drops appear still, even if they are in fact in mid-motion.
I think the droplets are well captured, and look very good. However, in terms of the rest of the picture, I think there are a number of things that could have been improved.
Composition seems quite well balanced. However, an off-centre subject tends to look more dynamic than a centered one, so maybe positioning the drops more to the right would have helped? Also, I'm not sure if this is the best POV to take the picture from. Maybe a side view of the tap would have been better than one from the bottom? You can also use that in your composition, and maybe position the curve of the tap so it leads the viewer towards the main subject (like along a diagonal)
The lighting could have been better. The shadow behind the tap is really quite distracting, and it could have been disposed of by pointing a lamp towards the background. Also, the background seems very noisy, which you can get rid of in basic editing using Neat Image or similar software.
Anyway, hope this helps. Message me if you have any questions.
Jelena |