Tried something a little different that I ended up really liking. I took just an average shot of some yellow-green colored clovers in the supermacro setting on my camera...which is why there is technically only one in focus. However I did this on purpose because I liked the idea of the viewer having to really look for the one that was in focus, meaning that they would have to look at the entire image instead of just skimming over it.
Also did some very different styled editing. I cropped, rotated, converted to b/w, then messed with the color levels(it's in the hp editing system, so I'm not sure how to do it in photoshop, but it wasn't the same as curves). That gave me a very dramatic and almost grainy black and white photo. Then I went to the color and gave it an overall emerald green color. Did brightness and contrast, and there you have it...a nice effect while still within basic editing rules.
Now, I could have easily stopped there and it woud have done just fine, but since it was advanced editing, I went a little further. I did some slight blurring on the backgound clovers to make the in-focus one stick out more. Then I added some smart-sharpening, a border, risized and submitted.
Again, I really liked this effect, but I found it can only really work with a uniform subject (prefferably a pattern or abstract) without any white. It jut doesn't really work otherwise. I've only tried this in green and red on a grass closeup and ferns and it gave both a very 3-D dramatic and almost mettalic look. Very fun :D
While this didn't score nearly as high as I was hoping for (6.2) I understand that scores were very messed up from the april fools "joke" this year. Many of the entries around my placement, I think deserved top 10 places. Oh well, grrr :(
Place: 204 out of 561 Avg (all users): 5.8125 Avg (commenters): 6.1667 Avg (participants): 5.7797 Avg (non-participants): 5.9048 Views since voting: 1575 Views during voting: 242 Votes: 160 Comments: 11 Favorites: 3 (view)
Right then, joke's on me as I now have to plough through 564 images and bump them all (yes, all of them) up. There'll be a third run through for fine tuning. It's day two now and I'm running late, sorry.