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 This image was disqualified from the Vanish challenge.
Early Departure
Early Departure

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Vanish (Expert Editing*)
Camera: Kodak Z710
Location: My Home, MI
Date: Apr 1, 2007
Galleries: Digital Art, History
Date Uploaded: Apr 1, 2007

Disqualification Details
Your submission must be taken after the challenge is announced and before the deadline, based on the Current Server Time (US Eastern Standard Time) displayed at the bottom of every page on this site. You must ensure that your camera date and time are correctly set to your local time zone before shooting your entry. If the date recorded in your original image file is not within the specified challenge dates, your entry will be disqualified -- NO exceptions! Also, Extra Rules require ice.

Views since voting: 1441
Views during voting: 802
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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04/07/2007 12:07:16 PM
UGH that is just wrong. I don't think they should have DQ'd you for the date reason. Like you said it's not everyday that people take pictures with specific items like this in it. Even though your date was wrong they knew it was taken after the challenge had started.
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04/05/2007 09:06:04 PM
It's the stupid date....BUT YES, THERE IS ICE. As soon as they asked for original, I went back to check the date, and it was wrong, I knew it was coming...:( But it was taken april 1st, why would I happen to have a pic of these specific items.....from now on, I WILL SET DATE EACH TIME.....
THANKS TO ALL WHO LEFT WONDERFUL COMMENTS, I know where my picture stands, date or no date. DQ OR NO DQ....
04/05/2007 07:47:07 PM
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by SC:

Also, Extra Rules require ice.

That looks like ice coming out of the cup in the upper left. :/

Too bad about the DQ. Excellent entry - got a 9 from me.

I was going to say the same thing about the ice coming out of the cup. I also gave this a 9......have we been separated at birth???? LOL
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04/05/2007 07:09:07 PM
Originally posted by SC:

Also, Extra Rules require ice.

That looks like ice coming out of the cup in the upper left. :/

Too bad about the DQ. Excellent entry - got a 9 from me.
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04/04/2007 12:32:53 PM
WAY TO GO LIBERTY!!! Very creative!! Nice job sister...
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04/03/2007 02:04:44 PM
Go go liberty!
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04/03/2007 12:37:52 AM
I guess you got a lower place maybe because it doesn't look as much like a wine glass. But I really loved this because it didn't seem as if the elements were thrown together "just because" - it really seemed to work as a cohesive whole.
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04/03/2007 12:23:47 AM
Hey congrats on getting a new top score.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/02/2007 11:09:55 PM
This is my favorite; very creative!
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04/02/2007 09:57:46 PM
I wondered when the grunge would show up. It certainly
has dirty post processing. LOL JK a nice 9
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04/02/2007 05:28:57 PM
April Fools!
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04/02/2007 03:16:08 PM
nicely done with the sepia tone. doesn't have the wow factor though. this should make top 20.
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04/02/2007 02:12:59 PM
Great idea, nice composition, excellent feel. I love the direction you took with this!
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04/02/2007 01:14:17 PM
A clever take on the challenge but would have like to see it in colour.
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04/02/2007 05:12:07 AM
10 for effort and turnaround time
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04/02/2007 03:08:39 AM
And here we can clearly see traces of the 20th Century
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04/02/2007 02:24:35 AM
You are all getting a 10 from me for pulling this off so darn quickly. doesnt help you overall I know, but you deserve it! 10
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04/02/2007 01:57:38 AM
I cant find all 4 objects. Still, a 5 for making dirt on a sucker look so good! ;)
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04/02/2007 12:34:07 AM
i like this! very good interpretation of the challenge. 8
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04/02/2007 12:32:24 AM
How ironic. . . . I like the coloring of this shot.
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04/02/2007 12:10:56 AM
The sepia works well here. Nice way of bringing together such abstract items! 8.
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04/01/2007 11:08:09 PM
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04/01/2007 10:19:51 PM
I wouldn't drink wine out of a glass like that. It looks like a milk glass!
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04/01/2007 09:41:43 PM
10 from me....lucky you to get your photo in in time, I had mine taken and ready to submit when they pulled it.

Well, it has just been suggested by SC that if I give all photos a score of 10 (which I have done), then the scores will not count. So rather than risk that, I will have to adjust my score on this photo, sorry, you can blame SC if you like.
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04/01/2007 09:28:45 PM
A 10 for speed !
April 1st can be such a kick in the kister !!!
BTW: All other entries are getting the same...EEK
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04/01/2007 08:36:53 PM
Ya know, this is really weird. Maybe sepia DNMC here. 10 anyway.
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04/01/2007 07:42:36 PM
My favorite!
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04/01/2007 06:52:24 PM
nummy!! DMC!
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04/01/2007 06:26:41 PM
Doesn't look like a traditional wine glass, but my wife and I drink our wine out of juice glasses, so I'll give youa pass on that. 9
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04/01/2007 06:10:24 PM
Oooohh... mysterious... alien abduction maybe??? 9
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04/01/2007 05:57:08 PM
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04/01/2007 05:48:33 PM
I'm feeling a bit bad about the ice...
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04/01/2007 05:42:20 PM
Nice attention to detail...10
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04/01/2007 05:38:48 PM
no sock, no ice
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