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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Money (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Sulphur Springs
Date: Nov 29, 2003
Date Uploaded: Nov 30, 2003


Place: 57 out of 153
Avg (all users): 5.2161
Avg (commenters): 5.0000
Avg (participants): 5.2473
Avg (non-participants): 5.1958
Views since voting: 900
Votes: 236
Comments: 19
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/09/2003 10:10:44 PM
I bet very few people got this as how it relates to the challenge. I really like the context to the challenge. A very unique and bold approach. Beautiful photograph.
12/09/2003 09:43:29 PM
i don't see money here.
12/09/2003 02:28:57 AM
Beautiful photo, I just don't see "money" in it. 6
12/08/2003 05:37:06 PM
Why is the water milky?
12/08/2003 01:35:48 PM
Beautiful shot. The brach in the foreground is a bit distracting.
12/08/2003 02:19:56 AM
12/06/2003 01:55:14 PM
This photo looks a tad fake- too dreamy and the rocks look fake. But - it has a poster like dreamyness.
12/06/2003 09:37:56 AM
Love the gold colors on the rocks, good idea. But the branch is really disturbing. I would have chosen a different position if possible, but even the image as it is now can be improved by cropping the branch away.
12/06/2003 01:56:12 AM
the rocks look like they are melting????
12/04/2003 11:34:01 PM
Where is the prospecting? Having someone panning in the river would do well to tell the story without the title here. It is a lovely scene, but depends completely on the title to relate to money.
12/04/2003 09:28:18 PM
Technical: Fits the challenge only because of the title. Some actual prospecting in the shot would have strengthened that relationship. Exposure composition focus and lighting all excellent, beautiful photograph.

Personal: Maybe it's just me, but I don't equate prospectors with milky blue water and fantasy type landscapes- to me this doesn't fit the challenge.

My vote: 5
12/04/2003 05:38:16 PM
Wow how long did you expose that one. Good color.
12/03/2003 11:15:10 PM
Mabe a pan in the water would have put your idea into the photo more. Good photo.
12/03/2003 10:12:48 PM
This be good photo I say. Like the time lapse effect, so nice. Fits the challenge to.
12/03/2003 03:53:32 PM
Oh, yeah, I can see the money flowing there... Please, stay on topic!
12/03/2003 01:47:28 PM
Interesting and original response to challenge - I think the title is the only tie, however. Very soft and nice color.
12/03/2003 12:12:39 PM
doesnt' say anything about money to me.
12/03/2003 10:15:29 AM
Nice. Has kind of a surreal look. Good job with the water
12/03/2003 04:02:25 AM
Very unusual effect on the rocks, I like it. Nice shot.

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