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Time is money, but money can't give your time back
Time is money, but money can't give your time back

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Money (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Lecco, Italy
Date: Dec 2, 2003
Galleries: Black and White, Studio
Date Uploaded: Dec 2, 2003


Place: 37 out of 153
Avg (all users): 5.4430
Avg (commenters): 6.1875
Avg (participants): 5.3977
Avg (non-participants): 5.4714
Views since voting: 1036
Votes: 228
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/09/2003 09:55:56 PM
i would like to have seen something else in this photo to tie it to money -- it depends too much on the title. this is an excellent shot, though.
12/08/2003 06:43:58 PM
Only two things I have against this photo. 1. Would have liked the whole watch . 2. The shadow on the right side. Otherwise great.
12/08/2003 01:32:25 PM
The best of the "Time is money" shots. I like what you did with the second hand, and using B&W was a good call.
12/08/2003 01:58:02 AM
Incredible detail. Capture of motion.
12/07/2003 07:29:14 PM
Nice time exposure of the second hand... may have been better to capture the entire watch .... just my opinion.
12/07/2003 06:22:43 PM
Great! in all aspects.... I like your phylsophy in your title - ties it to "money" very well.
12/07/2003 02:25:51 PM
nice shot, great shadow....the title is more apt for the challenge than your representation of it.
12/07/2003 03:34:28 AM
I think I've seen too many "Time is Money" shots in this challenge and I'm not even half way through voting -- on the other hand, this is the best "Time is Money" shot I've seen so far. Good points: That second hand. Obviously a 7 (or 8?) second exposure. Bad points: I don't like that long shadow on the right of the watch. Perhaps if the constrast wasn't so great. Still, nice photo overall.
12/06/2003 01:14:51 AM
Interesting shot with the second hand moving.
12/05/2003 01:39:48 PM
i saw this photo in GQ Magazine?
12/05/2003 03:05:43 AM
OK composition, no problem with lighting, exposure. The shadow I find to be very harsh. Nice job. 7
12/04/2003 07:01:44 PM
Technical: Without the title it wouldn't fit the challenge. Exposure, composition and focus are good, lighting is appealing.

Personal: I'm all for the title explaining the shot, but in this case it seems like quite a stretch. As for the photo itself, I really like the movement- beautifully shot.

My vote: 6.
12/04/2003 05:52:24 PM
Good detail, I like the B/W.
12/03/2003 02:25:35 PM
Nice idea, next time shine some light from the right to lessen the shadow. :)
12/03/2003 12:13:08 PM
great photo but a bit weak on the money theme.
12/03/2003 11:36:43 AM
Very nice shot, love the ticking second "thing" ( sorry don't know what it is called in English)
12/03/2003 10:59:32 AM
i think i straight white or black background would have worked much better

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