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Finding Death in Greed
Finding Death in Greed

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Simplicity (Classic Editing)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart 435
Location: My fridge
Date: Dec 4, 2003
Galleries: Nature, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Dec 4, 2003

This was a fly I found dead in my fridge, between the Miracle Whip and salad dressing. I find simplicity in the inevitable, as the most simple things in nature (to me) are life and death. The fly found his demise in his greed.

Place: 262 out of 262
Avg (all users): 2.3030
Avg (commenters): 2.2143
Avg (participants): 2.2562
Avg (non-participants): 2.3545
Views since voting: 2436
Votes: 231
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/16/2003 02:28:29 AM
Simple, I suppose.... Might be more meaningful though if there were something recognizable I could focus on...
12/14/2003 11:35:19 PM
It's an interesting title but it is hard to figure out. What is going on in this shot? It is not in focus (intentional? Dunno), can;t make out the object.
12/12/2003 07:22:21 PM
I'm yet another who doesn't understand the shot -- it looks like a pair of maple seeds to me. Beyond that, let me analyze the shot on its own merits. If you were aiming for abstract (and it could make an interesting abstract, I think), then there's no reason to keep it so small. If you were trying to keep the out of focus aspect minimized by keeping it small, then even at this size the focus problems are readily apparent. There's simply nothing to tie the viewer to the image, my eyes keep shifting between the three "figures" in the shot -- the dark central figure and the two light spots. All my opinion, but I think you can probably do a more intriguing version of this -- whatever it may be.
12/11/2003 09:43:00 PM
I don't get this at all....can't see anything but a blurry bird shape
12/11/2003 12:56:39 PM
I'm afraid the only thing I can think of to say is... "huh?" Sorry...
12/10/2003 05:10:35 PM
This is way to simple for me. The photo is small, your may subject is very much out of focus, and I don't understand the lighting here. I don't understand your photo without the title, which is a negative point, too. Sorry, and please don't feel my comment as an attack, I would like to help you with some points.
12/10/2003 01:27:55 PM
Picture is a bit too small. Nice idea
12/10/2003 12:39:47 PM
help..i can't figure out what this is? :(
12/10/2003 12:39:10 PM
Technical: Most all images submitted fit the challenge. Can't tell if this does or not. Exposure composition focus lighting... again, can't tell.

Personal: Not enough information here to form an opinion. As such, my opinion is low. Allowing more visual cues to show in your photograph would have boosted this.

My vote: 1
12/10/2003 08:51:17 AM
Seeing how concept photo's seem not to score highly in this group, this probably won't do to well, but there is something to this OoF shot.
12/10/2003 08:36:12 AM
this is simply not clear enough to make any impact or relate to it's title
12/10/2003 07:27:34 AM
I totally don't get this shot. Perhaps I'm being obtuse - but I think it needs a little clarifying.
12/10/2003 06:49:14 AM
Just too blurry for me. Maybe I don't get it?
12/10/2003 06:00:58 AM
I am sorry but I have absolutely no idea what that is meant to be.
12/10/2003 05:30:21 AM
I don't get the relationships between death, greed, bird (?), and out of focus image. If I'm missing something, please explain and I can come back for a rescore

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